Media for Loan

Park Films

Grade Level:
High School: Ninth Grade through Twelfth Grade
Social Studies
State Standards:
Georgia Performance Standards SSUSH 9, SS8H6, SS5H1

The park offers two films to choose from which explore the story of the Andersonville Prison and the experience of American prisoners of war. You may request one or both for classroom viewing.

  • "Voices from Andersonville" is a 28 minute film which focuses on the history of the Andersonville Prison during the Civil War.
  • "Echoes of Captivity" is a 27 minute film which serves as an introduction to the experience of prisoners of war throughout American history. This film includes the Andersonville story as well as interviews with prisoners of war from WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, and the first Gulf War.

Please note that this offer is available only to bonafide educational institutions and their staff or representatives.

Borrowing Instructions

You may request the films as part of a scheduled field trip visit or contact park staff to request the films.

This offering is free, but please return the DVD within two weeks of use so others may use it and this offer can remain free.

Last updated: November 2, 2018