Lesson Plan

Owl Pellets from the Past

Small, white bones in a ball of animal hair (owl pellet)

Owls and other birds of prey cough up pellets of indigestible animal bones and hair.

NPS Photo | L. Parry

Grade Level:
Upper Elementary: Third Grade through Fifth Grade
Lesson Duration:
90 Minutes
State Standards:
NGSS 3-LS4-1; NGSS 4-LS1-1
Additional Standards:
Thinking Skills:
Applying: Apply an abstract idea in a concrete situation to solve a problem or relate it to a prior experience. Analyzing: Break down a concept or idea into parts and show the relationships among the parts.

Essential Question

How can animals be identified from their bones? How are the past and present environments connected?


The students will develop an understanding of animal identification through bones and bone fragments found in their owl pellets and how they are connected to fossils found at the Tule Springs Fossil Beds National Monument.


Tule Springs Fossil Beds is one of our newest National Park Service units, located in the Las Vegas Valley. We are providing these educational resources for K-12 educators together with our partners: the Protectors of Tule Springs. Over the last ~570,000 years, water has transformed the Upper Las Vegas Valley. Tule Springs Fossil Beds National Monument is an urban park that preserves the unique story of this ever-changing ecosystem Tule Springs Fossil Beds National Monument preserves thousands of Pleistocene (Ice Age) fossils that help tell the story of a dynamic environment. These fossils were preserved within expanding and contracting wetlands between 100,000-12,500 years ago. Many of the Pleistocene animals of Tule Springs are still alive today, including the coyote (Canis latrans), jackrabbit (Lepus sp.), and aquatic snails. Some animals went extinct, disappearing from North America entirely. The Monument also protects Mojave Desert habitat from urban development. This wildlife and plant corridor is home to a diverse group of native plants and animals. Flash floods are also common seasonally in the upper Las Vegas Wash. Important cultural resources, such as historic objects, cultural sites, and artifacts are also protected within the Monument.


  • Materials Needed:
    • Owl Pellets
    • Owl Pellets Sorting Charts
    • Tooth Picks
    • Paper Clips
    • Black construction paper
    • Disposable plastic or rubber gloves (if available)


Owl Pellets of the Past Procedures and Worksheets

Download Owl Pellets of the Past Procedures and Worksheets


Focusing Event 1

Tell the students that you are bringing in several skeletons and bones that are similar to ones found in the desert area north of Las Vegas.What could they be from? Bring out the owl pellets for dissection.

Assessing student knowledge

Ask the students to explain what they think these aluminum covered items could be. Have the students list what they think they will find inside.
The teacher will share with the students a video of how owl pellets are formed.

Student activities

The students will split up evenly into groups of 2 or more to dissect the owl pellets. Placing the pellets on black construction paper will make the bones more visible and providing the students with unfolded paperclips will help them clean the bones.

  1. Have the students begin pulling the owl pellets apart and sorting them using sorting charts. Have the students keep their records on the lab sheet provided.
  2. Discuss with the students what was found. Notice the mandibles that are often found and the skull pieces. These are often used for animal identification in paleontology.
  3. Share the list of rodents found at the Tule Spring Fossil Beds. (see lesson materials)
  4. Ask the students if they can identify the rodents found in their owl pellets.
  5. Share the chart showing rodent skulls and have the students try and identify the skulls that are present in their owl pellets.
  6. See if any of the rodents were found in Las Vegas during the Ice Age. Mark the rodents that match.

Formative checks

Have the students write down their records in their lab sheet for grading.


Ask the students about what they learned during the project that could be used for identifying other fossils. As you discuss the methods used to identify the fossils, explaining the pros and cons of each, show the students pictures of other fossils found at Tule Springs Fossil Beds.

Assessment Materials

Evaluation Procedures

The teacher will assess the students by their lab worksheet. The teacher will also evaluate the students through verbal interaction and class participation.

The teacher will assess the students by their lab worksheet. The teacher will also evaluate the students through verbal interaction and class participation.

Contact Information

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Last updated: October 31, 2024