Last updated: October 3, 2021
Lesson Plan
Order No. 11 5th & 6th Grade

- Grade Level:
- Upper Elementary: Third Grade through Fifth Grade
- Subject:
- Social Studies
- Lesson Duration:
- 60 Minutes
- State Standards:
- Missouri: #1History: Theme 4 - Analyze the expansion of the U.S. in the early 19th century to trace U.S. growth & form hypothesis about future conflicts. Theme 5 - Analyze political compromises over slavery in the territories to explain intensifying conf
- Additional Standards:
- Kansas: KCCRS RI.5.6 Analyze multiple accounts of same event.
Oklahoma: 4.3.2. - Examine characteristics of culture including the distribution and complexity of the regions of the U.S. - Thinking Skills:
- Remembering: Recalling or recognizing information ideas, and principles. Understanding: Understand the main idea of material heard, viewed, or read. Interpret or summarize the ideas in own words. Applying: Apply an abstract idea in a concrete situation to solve a problem or relate it to a prior experience. Analyzing: Break down a concept or idea into parts and show the relationships among the parts. Creating: Bring together parts (elements, compounds) of knowledge to form a whole and build relationships for NEW situations. Evaluating: Make informed judgements about the value of ideas or materials. Use standards and criteria to support opinions and views.
Essential Question
How does art reflect on a society and promote a specific point of view on a critical question?
Students will be able to identify the impact of a piece of art in a contentious circumstance.
Fort Scott National Historic Site video - Bleeding Kansas, 4:18
Burnt District video, 8:27
Bingham Painting - courtesy of the State Historical Society of Missouri Art Gallery, Columbia, Missouri
Show Fort Scott National Historic Site video - Bleeding Kansas, 4:18, discuss
Show Burnt District video, 8:27, discuss
Show Bingham Painting, courtesy of the State Historical Society of Missouri Art Gallery, Columbia, Missouri
Show General Thomas Ewing's Order No. 11 on Smartboard
General Order No. 11
Headquarters District of the Border
Kansas City, August 25, 1863.
1. All persons living in Jackson, Cass, and Bates counties, Missouri, and in that part of Vernon included in this district, except those living within one mile of the limits of Independence, Hickman's Mills, Pleasant Hill, and Harrisonville, and except those in that part of Kaw Township, Jackson County, north of Brush Creek and west of Big Blue, are hereby ordered to remove from their present places of residence within fifteen days from the date hereof.
Those who within that time establish their loyalty to the satisfaction of the commanding officer of the military station near their present place of residence will receive from him a certificate stating the fact of their loyalty, and the names of the witnesses by whom it can be shown. All who receive such certificates will be permitted to remove to any military station in this district, or to any part of the State of Kansas, except the counties of the eastern border of the State. All others shall remove out of the district. Officers commanding companies and detachments serving in the counties named will see that this paragraph is promptly obeyed.
2. All grain and hay in the field or under shelter, in the district from which inhabitants are required to remove, within reach of military stations after the 9th day of September next, will be taken to such stations and turned over to the proper officers there and report of the amount so turned over made to district headquarters, specifying the names of all loyal owners and amount of such product taken from them. All grain and hay found in such district after the 9th day of September next, not convenient to such stations, will be destroyed.
3. The provisions of General Order No. 10 from these headquarters will be at once vigorously executed by officers commanding in the parts of the district and at the station not subject to the operations of paragraph 1 of this order, and especially in the towns of Independence, Westport and Kansas City.
4. Paragraph 3, General Order No. 10 is revoked as to all who have borne arms against the Government in the district since the 20th day of August, 1863.
Border War Map
Map of "Burnt District" in Missouri
Short biography of George Caleb Bingham and several examples of Bingham's work.
Several Examples of Bingham's work
Biography: General Thomas Ewing
Ewing, son of Thomas Ewing who had been Senator from Ohio, secretary of treasury and secretary of interior.
Ewing jr. was one of the private secretaries to Zachary Taylor, Brown University, graduated 1854.
Cincinnati, studied law, married, moved to Leavenworth, Kansas, partner in law firm of Ewing, Denman & co.
Later with brother Hugh and brother-in-law William T. Sherman, formed Sherman & Ewing, later added Daniel McCook.
1861 - first chief justice of Kansas Supreme Court, 1 1/2 years later resigned to join Union Army.
Recruited the 11th Kansas Infantry regiment, colonel, promoted to brigadier generalof volunteers in March, 1863.
Soon after placed in command of the District of the Border, issued famous Order No. 11.
March, 1864 made commander of the District of St. Louis, November 21, placed in command of the District of Rolla.
Shortly thereafter, December 9, again made commander of the District of St. Louis, held until April, 1865.
March 13, 1865, breveted major general of volunteers for services at Pilot Knob.
After military, set up law practice in Washington, D.C. unitl 1870. Returned to Lancaster, Ohio, active in Greenback wing of the Democrat party, served in House of Representatives from 1877 to 1881.
Moved to New York City, practice law rest of life. Died January 21, 1896 from injuries in a street car accident.
Lesson Hook/Preview
Ask students to share what they spend time doing and using their phones for. Record their responses in class on board, docu camera, or digital platform. Follow by asking where they get their information about the world. Then have students share what they know about social media. Discuss what types they use and what information or content they receive. (Snapchat, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, etc.) Pull up a social media platform and have students provide topics to search for. (Political situations, current music or fashion trends, celebrities, etc.) Then have students look at the structure of their online content. What type of lettering/font is used? What type of information is written down? What kind of audio is included? From what perspective is the information given? What are people supposed to do with the information or content?
Show Fort Scott National Historic Site video - Bleeding Kansas, 4:18, discuss.
Read General Thomas Ewing
Order #11 to students, discuss why General Ewing issued such an order.
Show a map of "Burnt District" in Missouri, discuss what would have been like to have lived in the area at the time, on both sides of the state line, ie., Kansas and Missourians. Have students create a social media campaign that promotes General Thomas Ewing's Order #11: They take on the persona of General Thomas Ewing or as a Campaign Manager
Students must include the following:
A hashtag
A 280 character explanation of the reasoning FOR the Order
Images that show WHO will be moving
Images that show HOW people will be encouraged/forced to move
(Students can use resources like Canva or for free to construct realistic social media posts.)
Closing activity: Discuss with students how they think the people of the South responded to this action? Defend your reason with evidence or logic.
General Order - Under martial law, the commander of military forces and his provost marshals determined law and order instead of a civilian court. The general orders were their commands and took on the power of law.
Provost Marshal General - The Office of the Provost Marshal General (OPMG) is responsible for the policy, plans, programs, oversight and budget for the Army's policing functions, including law enforcement, criminal investigations, criminal intelligence fusion, corrections, biometrics & forensics, physical security, high risk personnel security, antiterrorism and detention operations in coordiantion with Department of Defense (DoD) and the law enforcement community.
Supports for Struggling Learners
Students struggling to articulate their social media positions can break it down in more concrete concepts: Why was General Thomas Ewing's Order #11 issued?
How would people be able to learn that they are supposed to be relocated?
Enrichment Activities
Have students create false or inaccurate information that is weaved into the authentic message and have students view the work of others and try to identify the misinformation.