Field Trips

Little Explorers: A Nature Adventure for K-2 Learners

Grade Level:
Lower Elementary: Pre-Kindergarten through Second Grade
State Standards:
Colorado Academic Standards (CAS 2020) aligned with Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS 2020) for Life Science and Earth and Space Science

Topics in this Program

  • Animal Characteristics
  • Needs of a Plant
  • Explorer Skills
  • Using Senses

For a single-classroom field trip:

Meeting at either Saddlehorn Visitor Center (Fruita side) or Devils Kitchen Picnic Area (Grand Junction side), students will be introduced to the rangers and learn how to explore safely in the outdoors. We review each of our senses and how they help us in our exploration. Students are provided scavenger hunt sheets with photos as we look for natural objects and phenomena in the monument. Activity breaks include coloring pages at picnic tables, acting out local animals in reverse charades, and learning parts of plants through a dance.

For a multiple-classroom field trip:

Students will rotate in small groups between four 20-minute stations, centered at Devils Kitchen Picnic Area (Grand Junction side). There will be a 20-minute lunch break around 11:30am, followed by a brief recess and clean-up before the next activities. Stations for this program include:

  1. Exploring a natural area using an illustrated scavenger hunt list
  2. Acting like different local animals in a game of reverse charades
  3. Dancing like a plant after reviewing how they're similar to and different from animals
  4. Coloring images of local animals, plants, and landscapes

Essential Question

What can our senses help us find in the outdoors?


1 to 3 hours, depending on needs

Last updated: December 4, 2024