Distance Learning
- Grade Level:
- Lower Elementary: Pre-Kindergarten through Second Grade
- Subject:
- Science
- Common Core Standards:
- K.L.1.d, 2.L.5.a, 2.L.6, K.RF.1, K.RI.1, K.RI.7, K.RI.10, 1.RI.1, 1.RI.2, 1.RI.3, 1.RI.4, 2.RI.1, 2.RI.6, 2.RI.8, 2.RI.9, K.RL.1, K.RL.3, K.RL.10, 1.RL.1, 1.RL.2, 1.RL.3, 1.RL.4, 1.RL.6, 2.RL.1, 2.RL.2, 2.RL.3, 2.RL.6, 2.RL.7
- State Standards:
- Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS):
2-L S2-1. Plan and conduct an investigation to determine if plants need sunlight and water to grow.
2-L S4-1. Make observations of plants and animals to compare the diversity of life in different habitats.
Let's learn about seeds! This virtual program is geared for grade levels Kindergarten - 2nd Grade and will be delivered virtually by the Education Director at the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal National Historical Park. As a result of this lesson plan, students will learn about what seeds are, describe parts of a seed, and explain the conditions needed for growth. Students will learn the connection of seeds to the C&O Canal National Historical Park.
- Park Ranger will connect with teacher and classroom virtually at scheduled time.
- Park Ranger will introduce himself / herself, go over agenda of virtual field trip, and discuss program logistics and learning objectives before beginning.
- Park Ranger will introduce program with several questions and ask for thoughts and predictions.
Questions — How do seeds grow? How does a seed turn into a plant? - Park Ranger will go through field trip lesson plan and engage students with a variety of planned activities.
- Park Ranger will highlight learning objectives during "Making Connections" and conduct a brief Q&A session with the class. Finally, the Park Ranger will offer a gracious thank you to the class and teacher and offer resources to students for extended learning.
Program Agenda (50 Minutes)
1) Who are the Junior Rangers?
2) All About Seeds Discussion
3) Games
4) Story Read Aloud
5) Making Connections
Scheduling a Virtual Program
- Virtual Field Trips will be offered throughout the entire school year, typically on Thursdays. Please let us know if another day is better for your class. Specific times are flexible to mornings or afternoons.
- The preferred platform for Virtual Field Trips is via Microsoft Teams. Virtual Field Trips via Zoom or other platforms may be accomodated in advanced. Please let us know if you are limited to a specific virtual meeting platform.
- Please fill out the form Schedule a Virtual Program to request or inquire about scheduling a Canal Virtual Program.
We are excited to bring the C&O Canal National Historical Park to your classroom! Please feel encouraged to reach out to us directly at e-mail us with any questions or ideas.
Give your students a "shake break" and dance to the Paw Paw Patch song. All Paw Paw trees in the C&O Canal National Historical Park started off as seeds and grew into large trees that fill the park. Encourage movement, imaginary play, and reinforce seed concepts with this fun activity.
Download Post-Virtual Program Materials
This short PowerPoint reinforces the concepts learned during the virtual program. Students will review what conditions are needed for plants to survive and grow and the four growth stages of plants. At the end of the PowerPoint, the Plant Growth Stages Activity directions are provided for students. In the Presenter Notes of each slide, there are notes to guide teachers through the PowerPoint and activity.
Download Let's Learn About Seeds Activity (Teacher Slides)
This activity allows students to think about the growth process of plants. Students will rearrange pictures of the different stages of a lima bean then draw and color the conditions needed for plants to survive and grow. This file is the growth stages cards to be printed by teachers during activity preparation.
Download Plant Growth Stages Activity Material
This document contains clickable links to fun resources, videos, and photos for students to learn more about the C&O Canal National Historical Park and things they can do on and off-site.
Last updated: August 30, 2021