Lesson Plan

Introduction to Cowpens National Battlefield

The park film, Cowpens: A Battle Remembered

Image of cover of park film.

NPS Photo.

Grade Level:
Upper Elementary: Third Grade through Fifth Grade
Social Studies
Lesson Duration:
90 Minutes
State Standards:
North Carolina 3.H.1; 3.H.2; 4.H.1.4; 5.H.1.3; 5.TT.1; 5.RP.1; 4.TT.1; 3.TT.1; RL.3.1; RL.4.1; RL.5.1
Thinking Skills:
Analyzing: Break down a concept or idea into parts and show the relationships among the parts.

Essential Question

What role did the Battle of Cowpens play in the Revolutionary War? What were Banastre Tarleton and Daniel Morgan’s roles in the Battle of Cowpens?


Use historical thinking skills to understand the context of events, people and places


*Show students film purchased from Cowpens Visitor Center
*Give students vocabulary list
(students will use iPad QR reader to match definition to vocabulary list. Place QR codes around the room so students go around to find the definitions for their vocabulary list. If you do not want to have students do QR codes have students look vocabulary words up in dictionary or on the internet.)


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Lesson Hook/Preview

Students today you will learn some terms used during the Revolutionary War and will create trading cards.


*Show students film purchased from Cowpens Visitor Center (Cowpens: A Battle Remembered)

*Give students vocabulary list - (Students will use iPad QR reader to match definition to vocabulary list. Place QR codes around the room so students go around to find the definitions for their vocabulary list. If you do not want to have students do QR codes have students look vocabulary words up in dictionary or on the internet.)

*Have students create trading cards for Banastre Tarleton and Daniel Morgan
(Trading Cards Read Write Think website)

*students will use Cowpens Battlefield brochures, and Cowpens Battlefield website.

Supports for Struggling Learners

Students will be given instructions written, orally and can work with a partner if needed.

Contact Information

Email us about this lesson plan

Last updated: June 25, 2024