Distance Learning
- Grade Level:
- Lower Elementary: Pre-Kindergarten through Second Grade
- Subject:
- Social Studies
- Common Core Standards:
- K.L.1, K.L.1.a, K.L.1.b, K.L.1.f, K.L.2.a, K.L.2.b, K.L.2.d, K.L.5.c, 1.L.1.a, 1.L.2.a, 1.L.2.b, 1.L.5.c, 1.L.6, 2.L.2, 2.L.2.a, 2.L.5.a, 2.L.6
- State Standards:
- Missouri Learning Standards for Social Studies: (Theme 1) 1D, 1E (Theme 2) 2C, 2D (Theme 3a) 3C (Theme 5) 5A, 5E (Theme 7) 7E
Ulysses S. Grant is one of the most important figures in U.S. history. Throughout his life he worked many jobs, including General of the United States Army, President of the United States, and a farmer in St. Louis, Missouri, at the White Haven home.
The collection of resources provided here serves as an introduction to Grant's life and legacy for students in Kindergarten through second grade. The resources include a short introductory video that discusses accomplishments and challenges Grant faced during his life and an activity booklet. The activity booklet includes activities that help students learn about the farm animals, tools, and forms of transportation Grant used while working as a farmer at White Haven.
To access these resources for your classroom, visit this webpage: "Introducing Ulysses S. Grant".
Teachers are free to use these resources at their pleasure without scheduling any programming with the interpretive staff at Ulysses S. Grant National Historic Site. However, we welcome and encourage any opportunities to interact with students in a virtual setting or through a field trip to the park. To schedule a virtual distance learning program or in-person field trip to Ulysses S. Grant National Historic Site, call the Education Coordinator at 314-842-1867 ext. 229. Schools must have video conferencing software such as Microsoft Teams or Skype, or Zoom to participate in distance learning programming (Zoom can be used as long as the school initiaties the call).
Last updated: August 29, 2021