Teacher Workshops & Other Programs

Student Internships

Grade Level:
College Undergraduate Level
Literacy and Language Arts,Math,Science,Social Studies

Cane River Creole National Historical Park is proud to host Student Interns and help them achieve their educational goals. We will work with your professors / university staff to accommodate your individual needs to create a program that meets the requirements of your school or your desired learning. 

Whether for your school-required internship, or for your own learning goals for a volunteer experience catered around professional development - we can create a customized program that suits your needs. In the process of completing your internship you will design a project within your own areas of interest.

These internship programs can range from 100-800 hours, and from 10 weeks to up to one year.

For questions about how you can take part, contact our education office.

Last updated: February 13, 2022