Last updated: November 27, 2018
Lesson Plan
Imaginary River Trip

- Grade Level:
- Lower Elementary: Pre-Kindergarten through Second Grade
- Subject:
- Science
- Lesson Duration:
- 30 Minutes
- State Standards:
- Utah State Integrated Core Curriculum Topic, Standard Three: Students will develop an understanding of their environment. Objective Two: Investigate water and interactions with water.
Essential Question
How do people, plants and animals use water?
a. Describe ways that people, plants and animals use water.
b. State that many plants and animals live along rivers.
Two long pieces of yarn; river gear including life jacket, hat, paddle, bail bucket, and water bottle; “Imaginary River Trip” slides; projector; extension cord.
Before starting, lay out yarn in the shape of two rafts on the classroom floor in front of a screen. Set up slide projector and slides. Leave river gear out of sight of the students.
Lesson Hook/Preview
Students take an imaginary river trip -- right in their classrooms. Along the way they explore how humans, animals, and insects use the river to survive.
Imaginary River Trip
- Introduce the topic of water by asking the students how they use water and how other people use water. Prompt them, as needed, to include a diversity of uses, such as drinking, cooking, washing, cooling off , farming, mining, gardening, growing lawns, and having fun. Tell students that some people like to have fun by going on river trips down the Green or Colorado River. Ask students if they would like to go on an imaginary river trip with you.
- Grab the river gear and put on the hat and life jacket. Explain why you need each piece of gear for your trip (the paddle to move the boat, the hat to provide shade from the hot sun, water to drink, a bail bucket to get water out of the boat after going through rapids, and a life jacket in case the boat flips or you get thrown out of the boat). Tell students that they’re all going to paddle on this trip, so they have to cooperate and listen carefully. Show them where their “boats” are and invite a few at a time to sit in the boats.
- Start the slides and follow the script.
- When students are back in their chairs, review the lesson. Make sure that they understand that plants, animals, and humans need water to survive. Discuss the uses of water that students observed along the river.