Distance Learning

Illustrating Life in Canyon Country

Grade Level:
Upper Elementary: Third Grade through Fifth Grade
Literacy and Language Arts,Science
State Standards:
NGSS Disciplinary Core Ideas Addressed: Structure and Function, Interdependent Relationships, Adaptation


Rangers will lead your students through a short tour of a natural history museum, followed by a step-by-step live drawing tutorial that highlights the unique desert adaptations of wildlife at Colorado National Monument.

Essential Question

How are organisms impacted by the conditions of their environment?


Students will develop an illustrated graphic organizer that shows how an organism's traits are influenced by their environment.


45 minutes to 1 hour

How to Participate

  • Microsoft Teams
  • Google Meet
  • Zoom, if initiated by teacher

To Register

Please reach out to education rangers at Colorado National Monument by emailing COLM_Education@nps.gov, or by calling 970-858-2835.


  1. Ranger-provided graphic organizer of Canyon Country Habitats
  2. Pencil
  3. Eraser

Last updated: December 4, 2024