Field Trips

Heading West?

Grade Level:
Lower Elementary: Pre-Kindergarten through Second Grade
Social Studies
Common Core Standards:
K.SL.1, K.SL.3, K.SL.4, K.SL.5, K.SL.6, 1.SL.1.a, 1.SL.1.c, 1.SL.3, 1.SL.4, 1.SL.5, 1.SL.6, 2.SL.1, 2.SL.1.b, 2.SL.1.c, 2.SL.3, 2.SL.4, 2.SL.5, 2.SL.6
State Standards:
MO Learning Standards for Social Studies (k-5): 1E, 2A, 3aA, 3aB, 3aC, 4A, 5A, 5B, 5C, 5E, 5F, 6A, 6B, 7A, 7E. IL Learning Standards: SS.CS.1.1, SS.CV.2.2, SS.IS.2.K-2, SS.IS.3.K-2, SS.G.1.K-2,, SS.G.2.3, SS.H.1.K, SS.H.2.1, SS.H.1.2, SS.H.2.2.

In this program, students confront some of the same choices early pioneers faced while traveling west across prarires, rivers, and mountains from St. Louis to Oregon and California. Students work with a park ranger in a number of galleries inside the museum and bring history to life through artifacts and immersive activities.  

This program can be catered to meet the needs of all K-12 groups interested in visiting.
Reservations must be made at least 30 days in advance. Maximum group size is 30 students
(one adult per 10 students). Please allow 50 minutes for this program and note that all programs begin at half past the hour. To make reservations, call 314-923-3048. 

Last updated: June 4, 2024