Hō‘ike o Haleakalā: High School Science Curriculum

Grade Level:
High School: Ninth Grade through Twelfth Grade
Literacy and Language Arts,Math,Science,Social Studies

This curriculum will introduce students and their families to the marine, coastal, rain forest, invasive species and alpine-aeolian ecosystems of Haleakalā National Park.

• Each module (marine, coastal, rain forest, invasive species and alpine-aeolian) contains five units exploring different characteristics and components of the ecosystem.

• Each activity is correlated to the State of Hawai'i high school science educational standards, offering educators a way to fulfill educational requirements using local ecosystems and issues as a context.

• There are multiple classroom activities in each unit that can be used to supplement existing lesson plans.

• Increased literacy in science and current issues will benefit students, their communities and National Parks service-wide, because invasive alien species are not unique to Hawai'i.

• Includes background information, resources, teaching suggestions, and hands-on activities.

• These materials help bring science home for students while fostering a strong science background and critical-thinking skills.

Teachers of all grades are welcomed to use this curriculum for their own enrichment and as an educational tool to enrich lessons plans.

Additional Resources

Hō'ike o Haleakalā website: http://www.hoikecurriculum.org/

Online native Hawaiian plant website: http://nativeplants.hawaii.edu

Online Hawaiian forest bird website: http://www.state.hi.us/dlnr/consrvhi/forestbirds/

Online Hawaiian Dictionary: http://wehewehe.org/


Lesson Plan

Download Lesson Plan

Last updated: March 8, 2019