Field Trips

Guided Tour of the Vanderbilt Mansion

Grade Level:
Middle School: Sixth Grade through Eighth Grade
Social Studies


Ranger-guided tours of the Vanderbilt Mansion are offered throughout the school year. These field trips cover a variety of topics ranging from Vanderbilt family history, the Gilded Age, and art and architecture. The program can be adapted for all grades.

Scheduling and Registration

Tours for school groups are available by reservation. Requests must be received 2 weeks prior to your intended visit. To make a reservation for your fieldtrip, contact Mike Autenrieth by email or by phone 845-444-9167.

Learn More

Field Trips are one of the many education offerings at Vanderbilt Mansion National Historic Site. To learn more about everything we offer for educators and students, visit our Education webpage. 

Last updated: June 5, 2023