Field Trips

Field Trip: Discover Archeology

Grade Level:
Middle School: Sixth Grade through Eighth Grade
Common Core Standards:
6-8.RST.4, 6-8.RST.9, 6.SL.1, 6.SL.1.c, 6.SL.2, 6.SL.3, 7.SL.1, 7.SL.1.c, 7.SL.1.d, 7.SL.2, 8.SL.1, 8.SL.1.b, 8.SL.1.d
State Standards:
North Dakota State Standards & NGSS: MS-ESS2-2; and MS-PS2-4

Students will learn the basics of archeology. A park ranger and archeologist will discuss what a career in archeology looks like. Students can interact with basic tools of the trade and some artifacts found in the villages. If schedules allow, students can tour through an active dig onsite (please contact the park to determine if a dig will occur during the school year).

Looking for follow-up work? Check out the Seeing Into the Ground: Archeology and Magnetometry lesson.

Last updated: August 23, 2019