Distance Learning

Fabulous Fjord Ecosystem

Grade Level:
Middle School: Sixth Grade through Eighth Grade
State Standards:
National Science Standards
NS 5-8.1 Science as Inquiry
NS 5-8.3 Life Sciences
NS 5-8.6 Personal and Social Perspectives

Fjord estuary ecosystems only exists in 6 places around the world! Students will explore this unique environment, observe the plants and animals that thrive here and consider the interconnected systems that maintain its delicate balance. This program discusses the transfer of energy within food webs and changes in community/population dynamics. Students will have the opportunity to dive into humans’ role in this ecosystem and their local ecosystems.

Target Audience

This program is intended for grade(s): 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and Adult Learners

Minimum participants: 5
Maximum participants: 35

Program Length

The program is 45-60 minutes long.

Program Delivery

Kenai Fjords education staff can visit your classroom for free via Zoom or your organization’s preferred meeting account.

How To Register

Registration dates vary. Registration can easily be done through the Distance Learning Reservations Page. Please contact our education staff with any questions.

Our free, interactive presentations are available in the fall and winter months. 

Note: Please be aware that Alaska is in the Alaska Time Zone and follows daylight savings time changes. Programs cannot start any earlier than 7 a.m. in the Alaska Time Zone. Please consider this when listing your available times on the registration form.


Last updated: September 24, 2024