Distance Learning

Exploring the History of Slavery in St. Louis

Grade Level:
Upper Elementary: Third Grade through Fifth Grade
Social Studies
Common Core Standards:
3.RF.3, 3.RF.3.c, 3.RF.4.a, 3.RF.4, 5.RF.4, 5.RF.4.a, 4.RF.4, 4.RF.4.a, 3.RI.1, 3.RI.2, 3.RI.3, 3.RI.5, 3.RI.6, 4.RI.1, 4.RI.2, 4.RI.3, 4.RI.5, 4.RI.6, 5.RI.1, 5.RI.2, 5.RI.3, 5.RI.5, 5.RI.6, 3.SL.4, 3.SL.1.d, 3.SL.2, 4.SL.1.d, 4.SL.2, 4.SL.4, 5.SL.1.d, 5.SL.2, 5.SL.4
State Standards:
Missouri Learning Standards for History: (Theme 3a) B, C, E, G (Theme 5) E (Theme 6) A, C, D, E (Theme 7) C, D, F, G

This distance learning program aims to introduce upper elementary students (grades 3 through 5) to the history of slavery in St. Louis, Missouri. The program will guide students through this topic with an introduction to the broader history of slavery in Missouri, what life was like for enslaved people living in Missouri, and then setting the context for slavery in St. Louis. Students will also be introduced to six enslaved African Americans from St. Louis who fought for their freedom and went on to become nationally recognized for their efforts to end slavery and promote racial equality in the United States. During this part of the program, students will be split into six breakout groups. Each group will learn about one enslaved African American who lived in St. Louis prior to the Civil War. After spending a few minutes together in the breakout groups, each group will share insights with the rest of the class about the person they learned about.

This virtual program lasts between 30 and 40 minutes long. It will work best on a videoconferencing platform (such as Zoom) that allows the host to create breakout rooms within the larger video meeting. You can download six short biographies of the featured African Americans in this program by clicking on the link below. 

To register your class for this Distance Learning program, contact the Education Coordinator at 314-842-1867 ext. 229. Schools must have video conferencing software such as Microsoft Teams or Skype, or Zoom to participate in this program (Zoom can be used as long as the school initiaties the call).  


Download Slavery in St. Louis: Short Biographies

Last updated: November 11, 2020