Distance Learning
- Grade Level:
- High School: Ninth Grade through Twelfth Grade
- Subject:
- Social Studies
- State Standards:
- (G. C3)(G. E1,2,3)(G. F1,2,3)(H. B1bd,2,4,5)(CS. E1-8)(G. D1,2,5)(G.E 1,2,4)(GC. F1,2,4,10)(GC. G1,2,4,5,6,7) (H. B1bd,2,4,5)(G. B1,2,4,8)(H. B1bd,2,4,5)(G. D1-5)(G. D1,2,5)(G. E1,2,4)(GC. F1,2,4,10)(H. B1bd,2,4,5)
The goal of this educational program is to provide students of various backgrounds, ethnicities, faiths, and statuses with a factual, curriculum-based educational program exploring the Battles of 1802 and 1804, in which fur hunters in the employ of the Russian American company battled with the Kiks.ádi Tlingit over control of the land that is now Sitka, Alaska. Significant historical events such as the foundation of the Russian colony of New Archangel and the Kiks.ádi Survival March are intrinsically linked to these events, and their impact had a wide-reaching effect on Alaskan, Russian, and later American history as well. This program will aim to explore the historical perspective and context of these events, as well as the forming effect they had on this land and the people who have called this place home.
Education standards are cited at the end of the program outline. All learning standards taken from:Alaska State Educational Standards
Educators may wish to include the opportunity to watch our park films to compliment the program.
A PowerPoint Slide show- this is comprehensive and may be shortened and edited for individual classroom needs
A script that accompanies the slideshow.
Download Exploring Conflict and Colonization: The Sitka Battles of 1802 and 1804 Script
Guidance for educators and detailed learning standards.
Last updated: March 17, 2022