Student Activities
- Grade Level:
- Middle School: Sixth Grade through Eighth Grade
- Subject:
- Science
- Common Core Standards:
- 6-8.RST.3, 6-8.RST.4, 6-8.RST.7, 6-8.RST.9
- State Standards:
- Louisiana Science Standards 6-MS-LS2-1 & 2, 7-MS-LS2-4 & 5, 7-MS-LS4-4, 8-MS-LS1-4 & 5
First visit the Water Hyacinth webpage to learn about the invasive species from Dr. Liz Marchio. Then test your knowledge with the questions posted on the same page (and listed below).Water Hyacinth Knowedge Test
- Can you define the three control measures we discussed in the video?
- What do you think a benefit of each of the three control measures would be?
- What do you think a drawback of each of the three control measures would be?
- Which control measure would you think is best for managing waterways, if any?
- Draw a Water Hyacinth! On a scrape paper or in a journal, sketch out and label each anatomical structure that we reviewed in the video:
- Roots
- Leaf
- Petiole
- Mother plant
- Daughter plant
Last updated: December 23, 2021