Guest Speakers

Ecosystem Olympic

Grade Level:
Upper Elementary: Third Grade through Fifth Grade

The "Ecosystem Olympic" program provides 4th grade students on the Olympic Peninsula an overview of the coastal, rain forest, and mountain ecosystems within Olympic National Park. This 90 minute classroom program engages diverse learning, scaffolds the basic vocabulary to understanding ecosystems, and incorporates Next Generation Science Standards. This program is offered during the fall and spring of each year and is often supplemented with the Ecosystem Explorations field trip program.

If requested, 4th grade students can receive their "Every Kid Outdoors" pass at the end of this program.

Length: 90 minutes
Grade Levels: 4th grade
Subjects: Literacy, Science
Participant Number: 1 class size

To schedule a program: Contact the Education Program manager at 360-565-3146

Last updated: November 1, 2024