Field Trips

Colonial Correspondence Material

Grade Level:
Middle School: Sixth Grade through Eighth Grade
Literacy and Language Arts,Social Studies
State Standards:
SC: SS: 3.1.2-3.2.2, 3.8.1, 3.2.7; 4.1.7; 8.1.2, 8.2.6 ELA: 3rd-1-B, C, D, G; IV-A, B, D, E, F, G; V-B; Research –B; 4th- B, E, G; IV- A, B, D, E, G, H, I; 5th- I- B, D, F. IV-A, B, C, D, E, H, I; Drama - Comp 2-3

o help students gain skills in reading and writing historical journals and in construction and use of related material culture such as quill pens and journals


The student will identify problems and dilemmas in the past. The student, with teacher assistance, will construct a quill pen, sand-shaker ink blotter, and parchment journal. The student will read eighteenth-century journals and letters and contrast language and spelling to that of today. The student will create a fictional eighteenth-century character and construct a journal in proper historical context. The student will research and write a journal based on an historical battle participant. The student will select a fictional or historical figure and describe his or her feelings about the British surrender at Yorktown. In completing the above, the student will use correct contemporary or historical penmanship.


A number of Colonial-Revolutionary Era Americans kept journals. George Washington was among these. Much of his journaling was in the form of agricultural notations and records. At the Battle of Cowpens, a number of people made journal entries or completed journals later in life. James Collins, a seventeen year-old soldier in the battle, wrote a journal in his old age from memory and surviving notes. Journals such as these are first-hand accounts (primary source materials) of the past. They are invaluable sources because they give important facts about the Revolutionary War Era from one involved in the events. The reader should be cautious, however; even though the journal-writer was closer to historical events, he or she might show prejudice related to specific events. Memory lapses or reliance on folklore might also contribute to misinformation.

In addition to the content of the journal, colonial writing and penmanship are important topics of study. Writing technology had changed little over the years; early Americans still used quill pens similar to those scribes used in the Middle Ages. Journals were often bound, and some later published, as with the James Collins journal.

The following activities address the making of quill pens, ink blotters, and parchment journals as well as journaling and penmanship.


Materials needed for the above activity:
Quills – wing feathers from large birds such as geese or turkeys often available at arts and craft supply stores, and from historic sites and catalogs (often already prepared as pens) – or toothpick and construction paper Fine sand
Sharp knife (adult use)
Baby food jars
Hammer and nail
Ink (Sometimes available at historic sites, arts and craft stores, or make your own.)
Parchment Journal Parchment paper – ½ sheet for each journal
Ivory copy paper
Small paper clips 2-3 hole punchers



1. Have students prepare a feather quill pen as follows (adult directions):
Boil the quill to harden it.
Cut the tip of the quill at a 45-degree angle.
Split the longer side middle-ways from the tip about ¼ inch.

2. Or, have students prepare a toothpick quill pen as follows (student directions):
Draw, color, and cut out a feather shape from construction paper.
Attach to a toothpick with tape or glue.

3. Have students prepare a sand-shaker ink blotter as follows:

Using a hammer and small nail, punch several holes in the lid of a baby food jar.
Place sand in the baby food jar.

4. Have students prepare a parchment journal as follows: Cut parchment or ivory-colored paper in half.
Fold the cut papers in half. Using 2 punchers from one of the 3-hole punchers, set one 3-hole puncher to punch 5 holes.
Punch 5 holes in the folded sides of the papers, punching a few pages at a time.
Assemble a journal by using a parchment cover and several ivory pages; line up to the punched holes.
Cut a string approximately 36 inches long.
Tie one end of the string to a small paper clip.
In the left hand, hold the journal with the holes at the top.
Hold the tail of the string with the left thumb.
Push the paper clip through the first hole on the left.
Pull the string taut. Bring the paper clip and the string over the top and push the paper clip through the first hole again.
On the backside of the journal, at the second hole, push the paper clip and string from the back to the front.
Flip the paper clip and string to the back.
Continue this pattern through the fifth hole.
At this point, the string on the left will be on the front, and the string on the right will be on the back. Also on the front, there will be string between the second and third holes, and the fourth and fifth holes. Push the paper clip in and out of the holes from the fifth hole to the first one.
Tie the strings together and trim any excess.
Use the quill pen and ink to write the title on the front. The journal, quill, and ink blotter can be used for any written assignments.

Materials needed for the above activity:
Quills – wing feathers from large birds such as geese or turkeys often available at arts and craft supply stores, and from historic sites and catalogs (often already prepared as pens) – or toothpick and construction paper Fine sand
Sharp knife (adult use)
Baby food jars
Hammer and nail
Ink (Sometimes available at historic sites, arts and craft stores, or make your own.)
Parchment Journal Parchment paper – ½ sheet for each journal
Ivory copy paper
Small paper clips 2-3 hole punchers

Reenactor showing child how to write with a quill pen

5. Have students read examples of eighteenth century journals and letters, noting the style of language and spelling. Refer to sources such as Understanding Colonial Handwriting (Stryker-Rodda) for a history of quill pen use and examples of colonial writing.

6. After their study of Colonial and Revolutionary War Units, have students create a Journal based on a fictional eighteenth-century character. Suggestions on developing your character:
How old are you? What is your name?
Name and describe your family members.
What do you wear? What is your daily routine?
It is 1775. There is talk of a coming war. You must decide which side you will support. Use historical reasons to support your decision.
It is 1780. The war has moved into South Carolina. Write about your thoughts and feelings on a war that is now in your area.
Have students use historical or present-day penmanship (cursive) to complete the journal.

1. Discuss the battle as you walk the battlefield trail and have students write a journal entry on what their fictional character might have experienced in battle or camp life. 2. Have students research and write a fictional journal based on an actual historical person present at the Battle of Cowpens.

1. Have students portray their character’s thoughts and feelings about the British surrender at Yorktown and subsequent events related to Patriot and Loyalist participants (for example, Loyalist land was often confiscated, and many migrated to places such as Nova Scotia).
2. Discuss with students the advantages and disadvantages of handwriting using quill pen and ink in contrast to present-day writing. What technologies have led to the decline of penmanship? Discuss the importance of good penmanship, journaling, and letters in a technological age.


Last updated: November 2, 2018