Last updated: March 8, 2019
Lesson Plan
Clay Stamps
- Grade Level:
- Lower Elementary: Pre-Kindergarten through Second Grade
- Subject:
- Literacy and Language Arts,Math,Social Studies
- Lesson Duration:
- 60 Minutes
- State Standards:
Historical, Cultural and Social Contexts, Creative Expression and Communication - Thinking Skills:
- Remembering: Recalling or recognizing information ideas, and principles. Understanding: Understand the main idea of material heard, viewed, or read. Interpret or summarize the ideas in own words. Applying: Apply an abstract idea in a concrete situation to solve a problem or relate it to a prior experience. Creating: Bring together parts (elements, compounds) of knowledge to form a whole and build relationships for NEW situations.
Essential Question
What is a pattern and how is it something we use to communicate?
Stamping process to create repeating patterns.
Students will be able to create a repeating pattern using a stamping process.
Visual Art Standard: Historical, Cultural and Social Contexts
Benchmark: Recognize and describe visual art forms and artworks from various times and places.
Visual Art Standard: Creative Expression and Communication
Benchmark: Demonstrate knowledge of visual art materials, tools, techniques and processes by using them expressively and skillfully.
Students will look at the printing press in the Wright brothers' workshop and discuss how it was used. The instructor will explain the working process, and describe the types of work that the Wright brothers created in the workshop.
The instructor can also describe how the printing process has been used in other cultural settings. For example, in Ghana, stamping is used to create the traditional Adinkra cloth, and a similar idea is used in Nigeria for the Adire cloth. Students can be asked where else they might have seen printed patterns or designs (wrapping paper, tablecloths, textiles, quilts, and similar materials have similar design qualities).
Students will be asked to develop a design or set of designs to create a patterned paper. The instructor will need to demonstrate the process before allowing students to begin.
Materials for this lesson include clay, pencils, clay-working tools, plastic texture blocks, construction paper, water-based printmaking inks, brayers, trays for printing ink, newspaper.
First, take a small plug of wet clay, about an eighth of a pound, and roll it into a small coil. Press one end of the clay against a table to flatten it. A design can be drawn into this surface with a pencil, or carved with clay-working tools. If plastic or rubber texture plates are available, or items like potato mashers, the bottoms of sneakers, etc, then clay can be pressed against them to create a textured design. Objects like paper clips, washers, and tongue depressors can also be used to create interesting designs in the clay. Designs can be pressed into on or both sides of the clay plug. If students like, they can create two or three different designs to use in a pattern.
When satisfied with the design in the clay, roll out a thin layer of paint or printing ink on a tray. Press the clay into the ink and then press it against the paper. Try to create a pattern by arranging the clay stamps in rows. A single clay stamp can be repeated over and over, or two or three stamps can be alternated back and forth. Set papers aside to dry, and discard clay plugs.
Motif – an element used to create a visual pattern.
Pattern - a design in which lines, shapes, and/or colors are repeated in a visual sequence.
Assessment Materials
The success of this project can be ascertained through the quality of the artwork. The instructor can also ask a series of questions regarding the objectives of the lesson to determine how well students have comprehended the material.
Alternatively, the rubric below can be used to rate each child's performance during the working period.
Art Rubric
Category | Possible Points | Points Earned |
Craftsmanship | 20 | |
Time on Task | 20 | |
Following Assignment Guidelines | 20 | |
Use of Materials | 20 | |
Clean Up | 20 |
Additional Resources
Park Connections
Social Studies – The group can explore how stamping is used in the Japanese art form known as Gyotaku.Math – Students can try to identify patterns in numbers and number sequences.
It might help to have clay plugs rolled out before beginning. The plugs can be stored in a plastic bag to keep them from drying out. Children who have difficulty controlling fine motor skills can still be successful with this project if they are given a variety of textured materials to press clay against. Students with special needs may require extra supervision as they work with the stamping process.Additional Resources
Art From Many Hands, by Jo Miles Schuman
Clay Fun: How to Work with Clay, by Carolyn Davis and Charlene Brown
Polymer Clay: 30 Terrific Projects to Roll, Mold, and Squish, by Irene Semanchuk Dean
Super Simple Clay Projects: Fun and Easy-to-Make Crafts for Kids, by Karen Latchana Kenney