Guest Speakers

Classroom Ranger Talk

Grade Level:
Upper Elementary: Third Grade through Fifth Grade
Social Studies

Interested in learning about Ulysses S. Grant's life and times, but unable to bring your class to the park? We'll come to you! 

The interpretation staff has a wide range of programming that can be catered to the needs of your school, whether it be a large assembly or a small classroom. The staff has experience visiting elementary, middle, and high schools throughout the St. Louis area to discuss a variety of topics, including: 

  • Ulysses S. Grant (his life in St. Louis, the Civil War Years, his Presidency, etc.)
  • Julia Dent Grant (Childhood at White Haven, years as First Lady, her Personal Memoirs, etc.)
  • The Antebellum Era (slavery, St. Louis before the Civil War, political strife and causes of the Civil War)
  • The Civil War (military history, Grant's generalship, the Emancipation Proclamation)
  • The Reconstruction Era (Civil Rights Amendments and Legislation, Grant's presidency)
  • Women's History 
  • Presidential History
  • History of and current operations of the National Park Service
To request a guest speaker, contact the Education Coordinator at 314-842-1867 ext. 229 and please indicate a desired topic, preferred date and time, length of program, grade level, and school name. 

Last updated: May 18, 2020