Distance Learning

Citizens Respond to an Industrial Crisis Virtual Field Trip

Grade Level:
Middle School: Sixth Grade through Eighth Grade
Social Studies
State Standards:
MA Grade 8-
Topic 4. Rights, responsibilities of citizens [8.T4]
2 Rights of citizens
4 Values of political and civic life
5 Participating in politics
8 Individuals working w leaders
10 Liberty in conflict with equality
12 Role of political protest

What are the rights and responsibilities of citizens when it comes to addressing a problem in their community? What civic tools do they have at their disposal and how can they apply them to bring about a solution? Students will investigate an incident of environmental pollution that impacts the health of the community and develop a strategy to address the issue through civic actions. 

Classroom, home, and hybrid options are available. The classroom version requires a computer and projector/smart-board. Home versions require each student to have their own computer or tablet. This program is designed for 8th grade.

Call us at 978-970-5080 to reserve your program date and time.
Full information: https://www.uml.edu/Tsongas/Education-Programs/Virtual-Field-Trips.aspx

Last updated: March 4, 2021