Lesson Plan

Chapter 1 Lesson Plan: The Watsons Go to Birmingham 1963

Lesson Plan Image
Grade Level:
Middle School: Sixth Grade through Eighth Grade
Literacy and Language Arts,Social Studies
Lesson Duration:
60 Minutes
Common Core Standards:
6-8.RH.1, 6-8.RH.7, 6-8.RH.8, 6-8.RH.9

Essential Question

What do car advertisements tell us about individual and societal values?


In this activity, readers will investigate the changing appeals of cars in mid-century
America through historical automotive advertisements. Students will use textual and
image analysis, to infer the aims and impacts of post-war car advertisements.


In Chapter 1, readers are introduced to the novel’s central characters: the five members of the Watson family and their car, the “The Brown Bomber,” a 1948 Plymouth. In this activity, readers will investigate the changing appeals of cars in mid-century America through historical automotive advertisements. Students will use textual and image analysis, to infer the aims and impacts of post-war car advertisements.

Car advertising changed significantly between the 1940s and 1960s, evolving from simple product-focused ads to more emotional, lifestyle-oriented campaigns. However, advertisements during this time were rarely created to appeal to African Americans.

During the 1940s, car ads primarily showcased the technical specifications and innovations of the vehicles. Many emphasized their practicality, while others marketed their luxury. By the 1960s, the emphasis in car advertising shifted to appealing to (mostly White) consumers' desires and emotions, with ads emphasizing speed, style, and status. Automakers increasingly associated their vehicles with aspirational lifestyles, using highly gendered images of young attractive people having fun in their cars. In the 1960s, car manufacturers developed and promoted a distinct brand personality for their vehicles, building a connection with consumers through emotional appeals and unique branding elements. In this activity, students will do a close reading of 1963 automotive advertisements, to analyze the ways car manufacturers marketed their products.


Gather Materials:

  • 1948 and 1963 Plymouth advertisements (provided)
  • Class set of The Watsons Go to Birmingham—1963


Advertisement of a 1963 Plymouth.

Download 1963 Plymouth (A)

Advertisement of a 1963 Plymouth.

Download 1963 Plymouth (B)

Download 1948 Plymouth

Download The Negro Motorist Greenbook, 1938 edition. Article titled:

Download The Negro Motorist Greenbook, 1938 edition. Article titled:

Download Chapter 1 Worksheet


  • Do Now: Have students respond to the following question quietly: “Based on what you know so far, how do you think the members of the Watson family feel about their car?” Have them then discuss their response with a partner.
  • Provide students with a brief overview of the automobile in post-war United States, and what the automobile represented to different demographics: During the post-war years, the automobile played a crucial role in shaping the American landscape and society. The production and sale of cars contributed to the growth of the American economy; this was especially true in manufacturing capitals like Flint and Detroit. During this time, marketing helped turn the automobile into a symbol of the American way of life. At various points during the 1940s-1960s, the car and “the American way of life” would come to mean different things to different segments of society. For African Americans, the ability to purchase a car offered some freedom from the embarrassing and violent realities of segregated transportation. Two years prior to the Watson's fateful trip down to Birmingham, Freedom Riders challenged segregation through riding in an integrated fashion throughout the south. Their peaceful protest was met with brutal beatings, bombings, and incarceration. Though not mentioned specifically in the book, the Watson parents would have been very familiar with the freedom ride movement and the overall risks faced by African Americans on public transportation. It is also interesting to note the brand of car the Watsons chose. Flint, Michigan is a General Motors town, however the Watsons don’t buy a car produced by General Motors but by Chrysler (Plymouth was a brand of Chrysler). This could be because Chrysler was one of the first car companies that tried to appeal specifically to African American consumers by featuring them in their advertisements. See MotorCities - A History of African Americans in Auto Advertising From 1957 | 2020 | Story of the Week.  
  • Analysis: Display the 1948 advertisement for the Watsons’ car for the class. Using the image and text as their guide, lead the class in an analysis of the advertisement. Ask the following questions: What is the unique selling point? What does the ad suggest or say about the people who buy the car? What does the ad suggest or say about the car? Who is the target audience? What makes you think this?
  • Divide the class into groups of 3-4 and distribute the worksheet and 1963 car advertisements. Explain that the Watsons might have seen an ad like these around the time the book is taking place. In groups, they will apply the analytical techniques that they used earlier to the 1963 ads. Allow 15-20 minutes to complete the worksheet.
  • Discuss the students’ findings as a class.
  • Follow up by asking them how seeing the advertisements might help them understand of members of the Watson family view their car. Are they all looking at the “Brown Bomber” in the same way?
To Lengthen this Activity:

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Last updated: August 26, 2023