Distance Learning
- Grade Level:
- Upper Elementary: Third Grade through Fifth Grade
- Subject:
- Social Studies
- State Standards:
- Massachusetts History and Social Studies Frameworks
1.Massachusetts cities and towns today and in history
2. The Geography and Native Peoples of Massachusetts
5. The Puritans, the Massachusetts Bay Colony, Native Peoples, and Africans
Students travel back in time to “meet” children in a 17th-century Pennacook village, an 18th-century farm town, and a 19th-century industrial city. In each time-period, they help with chores and jobs. Using visual analysis skills with artwork and artifacts, students explore how children lived during periods of great change and then imagine what changes might be in store for their community.
Classroom, home, and hybrid options are available. The classroom version requires a computer and projector/smart-board. Home versions require each student to have their own computer or tablet. This program is designed for grades 3-4.
Call us at 978-970-5080 to reserve your program date and time.
Full information: https://www.uml.edu/Tsongas/Education-Programs/Virtual-Field-Trips.aspx
Last updated: March 3, 2021