Field Trips

Building Stewardship Through Science - Mercury in Our Environment

Grade Level:
High School: Ninth Grade through Twelfth Grade
State Standards:
Established Goal:
To have students become stewards of the land by conducting empirical research related to toxins in their local environment.

By working with various partners, including Dartmouth College's Toxic Metals Research Program, students determine mercury levels in macroinvertebrates taken from the Pogue (pond) in Marsh-Billings-Rockefeller NHP. Students learn how mercury moves through air, water, and through the food chain. By reading Marsh, learning about Billings and Rockefeller, students will cultivate a sense of stewardship and reflect on their own choices.


To have students become stewards of the land by conducting empirical research related to toxins in their local environment.


Performance Tasks:

Vimeo Presentation

Field Day

Poster Development

Poster presentation


Self Assessments 

Other Evidence:



Class Activities: labs, journals, etc…

Formative assessments

Common assessment

Park Connections

Marsh, Billings, Rockefeller, Stewardship


Methylmercury, bioaccumulation, biomagnification, scientific method, hotspots, macroinvertebrates, abiotic, biotic, trophic levels, stewardship, social responsibility


Download Lesson Guide for Teachers

Last updated: March 8, 2019