Distance Learning

Black Homesteaders on the Great Plains: Life Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness (9th - 12th)

Grade Level:
High School: Ninth Grade through Twelfth Grade
Social Studies
State Standards:
SS 6.1.2.a, 6.2.1.b, 6.3.4.a, 7.2.4.a, 7.2.5.a, 7.3.2.b, 7.4.2.a, 8.1.1.c, 8.1.2.d, 8.3.2.a, 8.4.1.a, 8.4.2, HS.2.8.b, HS.3.2.b, HS.3.4.a,  HS.4.1.a, HS.4.1.b, HS.4.2.a, HS.4.3.

The call of free land offered Black Americans the possibilities of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness on the Great Plains. Come learn about the struggles that Black homesteaders met in building and sustaining households and communities. Discuss with Park Rangers how these stories impact the Great Plains today.
Program Format:
1. This program will begin with an introduction to the NPS.
2. We then discuss the difficulties that Black Americans faced in the south post Reconstruction.
3, We next explore how the Homestead Act of 1862 offered a new start for Black homesteaders.
4. Then we discuss the various experiences of independent homesteaders on the Great Plains.
5. Next we discuss the building of the intentional community of Nicodemus, KS.
6. We then highlight the economic and environmental challenges homesteaders faced in Nicodemus.
7. We end with a recap of the importance of Black homesteading on the Great Plains. Objectives:
1. Expand understanding of the homestead story to highlight Black homesteaders.
2. Broaden our idea of migration in the United States to include Black farmers leaving the south.
3. Discuss the different experiences of homesteading independently and in communities.
4. Reflect on how homesteading offered Black Americans new access to the American Dream.
5. Explain why the National Park Service made Nicodemus a National Historic Site.

Homestead National Historical Park is able to connect to students using several different technologies to include: H.323 (IP addresses), through a conference call. If you do not see the connection you are specifically looking for, please contact us at the information below.
Homestead National Historical Park partners with the Center for Interactive Learning and Collaboration (CILC) to schedule programs. Accounts are free and there is no charge for any of our programs.
Please register for a program here.
If you are unable to register through CILC, please call the Education Specialist at (402) 223-3514 or via e-mail.

Last updated: July 14, 2023