Distance Learning

Bison Banquet - Distance Learning Program

Grade Level:
Upper Elementary: Third Grade through Fifth Grade

Badlands National Park is home to a population of approximately 800 bison. Learn about the bison's natural and cultural history as you explore the many traditional Native American uses of the bison. Students will see bison parts and brainstorm possible uses for these items. (45 minutes)

How to Participate

This program is currently being offered only as a distance learning video conference.

Teachers should prepare their students accordingly. Students should have some understanding of Badlands National Park (location, mission, ecosystem) and some general background knowledge related to their program topic. Teachers may use materials provided from the links below, the specific pre-visit lesson plans, or their own lessons to best prepare their students.

Suggested pre-visit lesson

Additional resources

Suggested post-visit materials

For more information contact the park.


Last updated: October 24, 2018