Field Trips
- Grade Level:
- Upper Elementary: Third Grade through Fifth Grade
- Subject:
- Math,Science
- State Standards:
Georgia Performance Standards:
S3L2, S3CS1, S4L2, S4CS1
Every year approximately 14 billion pounds of trash are dumped into the ocean. This trash can create problems for people and wildlife. In this lesson, you can help your students better understand this important issue.
Upon completion of the activities, students will be able to:
- list ways people use plastics.
- explain how plastics and other pollutants harm wildlife.
- describe how people can reduce the use and disposal of pollutants.
To obtain necessary background information and instructions for this completing this activity, download the Beach Survey Lesson Plan and conduct the Pre-Visit activities with your students. You may also want to use some of the Additional Resources listed below to help provide your students with background information on this issue. This will help prepare them to better understand the onsite activities once they are on the beach.
- Computer/Projector
- Internet Access
- Selected websites from list of Additional Resources (see below)
During Visit to the Island:
- Trash bags
- paper/pencil (to document discoveries)
Students may enjoy completing the following activities on their own or with their families:
- Turtle Hurtles (NPS WebRangers activity)
- Ocean Life Matching Game (NPS WebRangers activity)
- NOAA Protect our Ocean Activity Book
Additional Resources
Use the following websites to access multimedia & printable resources related to this lesson:
Note: Websites will open in a new window.
- NOAA Marine Debris Program
- NOAA Protect Our Ocean Activity Book
- See Turtles - Ocean Plastic & Sea Turtles
- EcoKids - Risks to Oceans
- Smithsonian Museum of Natural History - Ocean Portal - Ocean Trash Plaguing our Seas
- Scholastic News Online - Oceans of Trash
- Oceans of Trash Cause & Effect Printable Activity
- SEATURTLE.ORG - Global Sea Turtle Network
Lesson Plan
Last updated: March 8, 2019