Battle of Cowpens Illustrated

Grade Level:
Middle School: Sixth Grade through Eighth Grade
Literacy and Language Arts,Social Studies
State Standards:
South Carolina English/Language Arts: 8-2.4 Create responses to informational text through a variety of methods.

Students will be able to create a pictorial rendition of the battle.


Students will be able to create a pictorial rendition of the battle.


1. Copies of graphic novels & picture books
2. Blank paper – colored pencils
3. Flow map
4. Cowpens: A Battle Remembered video

Pre-Video Procedure (activities/discussion/lesson)
 Cowpens: A Battle Remembered previously viewed
Post-Video Procedure (activities/discussion/lesson)
1. Create sequencing/flow map on events of battle.
2. Explain the use of graphic novels/ picture books. Look though many examples.
3. In groups – Choose to create graphic novel or picture book (to donate to elementary school) rubric for book and for individual student assignment (narrator, artist, fact finder, etc.)

Last updated: November 2, 2018