Painting of a group of soldiers grouped together. In the center a man in a red jacket hands his sword to a man in a blue coat.
Grade Level:
High School: Ninth Grade through Twelfth Grade
Literacy and Language Arts,Social Studies
Lesson Duration:
90 Minutes
Common Core Standards:
11-12.SL.1.c, 11-12.SL.1.d, 11-12.SL.2, 11-12.SL.3, 11-12.SL.4
Thinking Skills:
Understanding: Understand the main idea of material heard, viewed, or read. Interpret or summarize the ideas in own words. Analyzing: Break down a concept or idea into parts and show the relationships among the parts.

Essential Question

How does an artist convey significance through their artwork?


At the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
1. Examine, interpret, and evaluate three pieces of art relating to the American Revolution.
2. Analyze the elements within selected pieces of art that illustrate the significance of place.
3. Identify at least two reasons why the history of Fort Stanwix has national significance.
4. Illustrate the significance of Fort Stanwix through an original piece of visual artwork.


Understanding of how artists express meaning through their work; comparison of how various artists, and art forms, work to express meaning.

Images: Minuteman Statue, Surrender of General Burgoyne, and Yorktown Victory Monument with descriptive summaries
Supplements: “Lexington and Concord –The Beginning”, ”Saratoga – The Turning Point”, “Yorktown-The End”

Introduction– pencil/pen
Development – pencil/pen/paper for notes, camera, sketch pad, and/or other art tools as needed
Closure – Art tools and supplies as needed

Lesson Hook/Preview

1. Show the three pieces of art to the class.


Time: 1 class period
1. Show the three pieces of art to the class.
2. As a class discussion, have students identify what stands out as significant to them in each piece of art.
3. Read to the class the background information on each of the places represented in the art.
4. Using the activity sheet, compare and contrast how each artist communicates significance of place through his/her work.

Development (at Fort Stanwix NM**)
Time: 2-3 hours or less if virtual
1. Upon arrival, students will participate in a 45-minute ranger-led tour, relating to them the historical significance of Fort Stanwix. (It is strongly suggested students take notes for use with their projects.)
2. After the tour, students will self-guide in and around the fort to begin compiling ideas/subjects for their piece.
**If you are unable to visit Fort Stanwix, contact a local historic or cultural site for this portion of the lesson, or visit one of the following parks virtually:
Fort Stanwix National Monument
Saratoga National Historical Park
Minute Man National Historical Park
Yorktown Battlefield
Our country is filled with places of great significance!

Time: Varied, based on need
1. At school, students will complete/create their own unique “significance of place” piece in a visual arts format of their choice with Fort Stanwix as the subject.
2. For those students interested, pieces may be entered for a juried display. Those pieces that best reflect the historical significance of Fort Stanwix will be displayed at the park or in conjunction with a local art center.


1. The quality of being worthy of attention; importance.
2. The meaning to be found in words or events.

Contact Information

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Last updated: March 15, 2023