Field Trips
- Grade Level:
- Upper Elementary: Third Grade through Fifth Grade
- Subject:
- Science,Social Studies
- State Standards:
- SKL1, SKL2, S1L1, S1E1, SS2G1, S2L1, S2E3, S3E2, S3L1, S4E3, S4L1, S4P3, SS4E1, S4E3, SS4H4, SS4H5, SS4H6, S5E1, S5L1, S5L4, SS5H1, SS5H6, SS5CG3
Field Studies are authentic, hands-on investigations in forested park sites near you. These memorable curriculum programs offer mental, physical, and social-emotional benefits of teamwork and time in nature. All include an easy hike.
Kindergarten: Living and Non-Living - What’s in the Park?
1st: Needs and Parts of Plants and Animals
2nd: Plant and Animal Life Cycles
3rd: Georgia Habitats & Pollution: Impacts on Wildlife
4th: Adaptation and Flow of Energy, Nutrients, Water: Investigation of Aquatic and Terrestrial Invertebrates
5th: Scientific Classification of Plants and Animals
These programs can be adapted to grade and topic:
· Historic Paper Mill and River Industry
· Aquatic Biodiversity
· Watershed Discovery
Our Field Study and In-Class programs support these Georgia Standards of Excellence: SKL1, SKL2, S1L1, S1E1, SS2G1, S2L1, S2E3, S3E2, S3L1, S4E3, S4L1, S4P3, SS4E1, S4E3, SS4H4, SS4H5, SS4H6, S5E1, S5L1, S5L4, SS5H1, SS5H6, SS5CG3
Contact:; 678-538-1200
Last updated: December 3, 2024