Distance Learning
- Grade Level:
- Upper Elementary: Third Grade through Fifth Grade
- Subject:
- Literacy and Language Arts,Science,Social Studies
- State Standards:
- Varied. Teachers may work with the ranger to address specific standards.
Standards Addressed
Varied and decided by teacher depending on the subjects being studied and what subjects the students focus the questions.Pre-program Activity Procedure (~30 minutes)
- As a class review with the students the basic background of Alaska's public lands. We can also provide maps and brochures upon request.
- Students break up into groups of two or three and brainstorm questions to present to the ranger during the live program.
- Each group chooses one question – up to 10 questions per class
- Then, email students' questions to the education program coordinator. Please do this at least one week prior to the scheduled live program.
During Live Program (30 minutes)
- The ranger will give a short introduction and then prompt the class to present their questions.
- The teacher should direct each student presenting to stand up and clearly state their question.
- The ranger will then answer each question using visual aids and props.
Scheduling and Registration
All classes are free and requests are taken in the order in which they are received. The summer scheduling will be based upon staffing.The way to register for a class:
- Email the center’s education specialist, Glenn Hart or call him at (907) 644-3670.
- Be sure to include your contact information, mailing address (for program supplies), and a possible date.
Last updated: February 5, 2021