Science Labs

Anchialine Pools STEM Kit, Grades 6-8

Grade Level:
Middle School: Sixth Grade through Eighth Grade
State Standards:
Hawaii State Science Standards:
SC.8.2.2 Unifying Concepts and Themes
SC.ENV.1.2 Scientific Inquiry
SC.ENV.4.3 Systems and Connections
SC.ENV.4.6 Flow of Matter and Energy
SC.MS.3.7 Oceans Influence

Anchialine pools are unique coastal brackish water pools that occur in the United States only on the islands of Hawaii. Fresh groundwater from higher elevations seeps through the lava and mixes with seawater in the coastal pools creating a unique habitat. Water use at higher elevations upslope from the pools disrupts the balance of fresh and salt water. Through these activities, students build physical models and make observations to learn how the hidden groundwater is vital to the survival of these culturally significant pools. 

This kit is one of three STEM kits about water science offered by the park. They can be completed in any order or individually, though the following order is recommended: 

Learning Objectives:

Students will be able to: 
Model an anchialine pool in both map view and cross section.
Simulate saltwater, brackish water, and freshwater.
Observe the effects of overuse of groundwater.

Big Concepts:
Groundwater and surface water interactions
Effects of groundwater extraction via wells

Scientific Inquiry Skills:
Constructing physical models
Map versus cross-sectional views
Use of science notebook

How to request a kit:

Kits are available for loan to schools from Kaloko-Honokōhau National Historical Park on the island of Hawaiʻi. The park has two classroom sets of materials for loan to model these pools in the classroom. They also have a pair of sand sieves that you may borrow to ensure that you have the best sand size for the models.

Number of Kits per Set: 15
Student Group Size: 2

Contact the park at (808) 329-6881 x1329,


About the partnership:


The kit and activities are the result of a collaboration between the Colorado State University, College of Natural Sciences Educatoin and Outreach Center and the National Park Service. Through this partnership, CSU has developed a pre-visit, syn-visit and post-visit hands-on STEM activities for students grades 6th - 12th. The goal is to create place-based and culturally relevant STEM experiences that help students understand the science behind critical regional issues. More information about the partnership and activities and materials included in the kits are on CSU’s


Last updated: February 27, 2019