Lesson Plan

3rd Grade Virtual Field Trip - Amazing Adaptations

a drawn mountain lion in front of a blue sky
Grade Level:
Upper Elementary: Third Grade through Fifth Grade
Lesson Duration:
60 Minutes
State Standards:
3-LS3-2  Use evidence to support the explanation that traits can be influenced by the environment

LS3.A:  Inheritance of Traits
Other characteristics result from individuals’ interactions with the environment, which can range from diet to learning. Many
Additional Standards:
LS3.B:  Variation of Traits
The environment also affects the traits that an organism develops. (3-LS3-2)

Essential Question

How have the animals and plants of Lake Mead National Recreation Area adapted to survive in the Mojave Desert?


1. Students know the environment can influence traits.
2. Students can identify environmental influences that can impact traits (sunlight, water).


Wildlife of the Mojave Desert live in a land of extreme temperatures and little precipitation and depend on a variety of adaptations for their own survival. Mojave Desert animals have a number of different adaptations, which is a physical or behavioral feature of an animal that helps it survive in its habitat.  One adaptation common to many desert animals is camouflage. With the sparse vegetation found in the desert, wildlife need to “blend in” with their surroundings in order not to be seen.


  • To start, the teacher will give some background to the Mojave Desert and Lake Mead National Recreation Area. There is information included for the teacher in the background information section below or find additional educational resources through Additional Education Resources - Lake Mead National Recreation Area (U.S. National Park Service) (nps.gov)

  • The students will all receive a copy of the field trip guide, digitally or hard copy,and begin the field trip.

  • If there is limited technology available, the teacher can make this a group field trip instead of an individual one by showing the slide show and connected video.


This presite will allow students to gain an introduction to Lake Mead before taking a virtual field trip.

Download Lake Mead Field Trip Presite Powerpoint

This teacher outline will allow educators to introduce Lake Mead National Recreation Area in advance of a group's virtual visit.

Download Lake Mead Field Trip Presite Teacher Outline


1.) Introduce the students to Lake Mead National Recreation Area by using the "Lake Mead Presite" powerpooint.
2.) Utilize the "Who Lives Here" teacher lesson and follow the prompts to open the field trip video.
3.) Open the "Who Lives Here" virtual field trip video.  


  • adaptation - a physical or behavioral feature of an animal or plant that helps it survive in its habitat
  • environment- the surroundings or conditions in which a plant, person or animal lives or operates
  • structure- an identifiable part of an organismfunction- how a structure works or how it is used by an animal                         
  • habitat - the place where an animal or plant lives in naturebehavior - the way in which an animal acts in response to a particular situation
  • mimicry - a form of protective coloration, or acting, in which an animal    closely resembles another kind of animal or object in its environment.

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Last updated: August 30, 2021