Lesson Plan

Airplanes of the Future!

a 1910 Wright flyer in the sky
Grade Level:
Lower Elementary: Pre-Kindergarten through Second Grade
Literacy and Language Arts,Math,Science,Social Studies
Lesson Duration:
60 Minutes
State Standards:
Historical, Cultural, Social Contexts, Creative Expression, Communication, Analyzing and Responding.
Thinking Skills:
Remembering: Recalling or recognizing information ideas, and principles. Understanding: Understand the main idea of material heard, viewed, or read. Interpret or summarize the ideas in own words. Applying: Apply an abstract idea in a concrete situation to solve a problem or relate it to a prior experience. Analyzing: Break down a concept or idea into parts and show the relationships among the parts. Creating: Bring together parts (elements, compounds) of knowledge to form a whole and build relationships for NEW situations.

Essential Question

What technological achievements are the most remarkable to you?


Celebrating technological achievements by recognizing and creating artwork.


Students will be able to recognize and create artwork that celebrates technological achievements.

Visual Art Standard: Historical, Cultural, and Social Contexts.
Benchmark: Identify and describe the different purposes that people have for creating works of art

Visual Art Standard: Creative Expression and Communication
Benchmark: Use the elements and principles of art as a means to express ideas, emotions, and experiences.

Visual Art Standard: Analyzing and Responding
Benchmark: Apply comprehension strategies to respond to a range of visual artworks. 


Paper, pencils, crayons, markers, color pencils will be utilized in this lesson plan.



The instructor will begin by having students look at several examples of posters celebrating aviation events in the early 1900s. Looping the Loop has several examples.

Ask students to identify some of the different types of airplanes in the pictures, and to compare and contrast their characteristics. Ask students what capabilities they think particular airplanes might have had (does it look like a fast or slow plane, or could it fly upside down or land on water?). Have them explain which features on the airplanes would support particular abilities.

Following this conversation, ask students to think about modern airplanes, and airplanes of the future. You might possibly discuss the White Knight, and other privately owned aircraft that have the potential to go into low-earth orbit. Ask the students to imagine their own kinds of aircraft. Could an airplane go underwater? Could you fly a car to the moon? As a group, brainstorm some ideas for showing how an airplane could do something special.

Have students select a special kind of plane, and create an illustration showing its capabilities. The conversation might also focus on the barnstorming features of early aviation events. The group could discuss how these events demonstrated the capabilities of the aircraft, and compare them to events like the Dayton Air Show and the Rhinebeck Aerodrome.


Advertisement – an image or message designed to show the best qualities of an event or article.

Barnstorming – an air show featuring stunts and feats in the air.

Assessment Materials

The success of this project can be ascertained through the quality of the artwork. The instructor can also ask a series of questions regarding the objectives of the lesson to determine how well students have comprehended the material.

Alternatively, the rubric below can be used to rate each child's performance during the working period.

Art Rubric 

 Category Possible Points  Points Earned 
Craftsmanship  20   
Time on Task  20   
Following Assignment Guidelines 20   
Use of Materials  20   
Clean Up  20   

Additional Resources

Park Connections

History – The group can explore how the Wright brothers approached air shows, and how their achievements were celebrated in posters, advertisements, and other visual works of art.

Science - Students can research how engineers experiment with airplane design, and achieve particular results with their aircraft. 

Additional Resources

The History of the Airplane, by Barbara Somerville
Looping the Loop: Posters of Flight, by Henry Serran Villard and Willis M. Allen, Jr.
Return to Rhinebeck: Flying Vintage Aeroplanes, by Mike Vines
Space and Flight Experiments, by Louis V. Loeschnig

Contact Information

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Last updated: March 25, 2020