Traveling Trunk

"The World of Barilla Taylor" Traveling Trunk

Grade Level:
Middle School: Sixth Grade through Eighth Grade
Literacy and Language Arts,Social Studies

This interdisciplinary kit invites students into the world of Barilla Taylor, who left her home in rural Maine in 1843 for work in Lowell's mills. By examining documents relevant to Barilla's farm and factory experiences, students learn about the history of early industrial America, and the ways industrialization affected the roles and status of women. Primary sources include letters, maps, corporation hospital records, city directory pages, photographs, and a receipt for a jewelry purchase.

Borrowing Instructions

Borrowing Instructions
Rental Information
• $40.00 (includes UPS school pick-up)
• Mailed anywhere in U.S.
• Three-week rental period
• Call 978-970-5080 or

Last updated: March 8, 2019