Last updated: March 8, 2019
Lesson Plan
"Sea Level Rise" Climate Change: 4-6 Grade

- Grade Level:
- Upper Elementary: Third Grade through Fifth Grade
- Subject:
- Science
- Lesson Duration:
- 60 Minutes
- State Standards:
- Next Generation Florida Sunshine State Standards
Essential Question
Is the sea level rising?
Using props, ice, building dioramas, maps and art, students will see how sea level rise is caused by melting ice-sheets (not by melting ice-bergs).
Our "Climate Change" unit is broken into three lesson plans, each taking 60 to 90 minutes to complete, and targeted mainly at fifth and sixth grade students. A class needn't complete every lesson in the unit, though some lessons do refer to one another and are better done in sequence. However, each lesson comes with its own set of objectives and resources.
Check out these other lessons:
Lesson 1: Greenhouse Gasses
Lesson 2: Carbon Budget
See ancient Florida sealevels
Use a slideshow to see the difference between icebergs and ice sheets
Incorporate the Everglades into your lesson planning. In partnership with teachers, we are proud to offer multidisciplinary, curriculum-based activities that bring relevant lessons from the field into the classroom. These materials can be used as pre-site lessons for any in-park field trip. Please click here to view a list of Everglades Curriculum Materials.
To request hard copies or digital copies of the following activity guides, please email the Everglades Education Department or call (305) 242-7753.
sea level, Antarctica, Greenland, ice sheet, ice berg
Additional Resources