Volcano Lessons from Parks

Activities and Lessons from America's Largest Classrooms

Showing results 1-10 of 14

  • Mount Rainier National Park

    Lahar in a Jar

    • Type: Lesson Plan
    • Locations: Mount Rainier National Park
    • Grade Levels: Middle School: Sixth Grade through Eighth Grade
    • Subject(s): Science
    A mud slurry slides down a ramp into a tray.

    Explore how small amounts of water can mobilize loose rock to form lahars by making a small lahar within the safety of a beaker or jar and analyzing it using scientific methods.

  • Lava Beds National Monument

    Geology Traveling Trunk

    • Type: Traveling Trunk
    • Locations: Lava Beds National Monument
    • Grade Levels: Upper Elementary: Third Grade through Fifth Grade
    • Subject(s): Math,Science
    Contents of Geology Trunk

    Check out a Geology Traveling Trunk from Lava Beds National Monument!

    • Type: Lesson Plan
    • Locations: Colorado National Monument, Craters Of The Moon National Monument & Preserve, El Malpais National Monument, Glacier National Park, Haleakalā National Park,
    • Grade Levels: Upper Elementary: Third Grade through Fifth Grade
    • Subject(s): Science
    Cinder cones in Haleakalā crater

    Students are introduced to the study of geology. They will learn about what is hidden beneath the surface of the Earth and how the geology of the Earth gives shape to the landscape. They will learn about the theory of plate tectonics and how the movement of these plates affects the world around us.

    • Type: Lesson Plan
    • Locations: El Malpais National Monument, Lassen Volcanic National Park
    • Grade Levels: Middle School: Sixth Grade through Eighth Grade
    • Subject(s): Math,Science,Social Studies
    Fragments of an exploded lava dome cover Lassen Peak summit

    Students prepare cookies the day before the activity. Students then compare and contrast different types of cookies and igneous rocks and classify them according to their structural make-up and ingredient composition.

    • Type: Lesson Plan
    • Locations: El Malpais National Monument, Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument
    • Grade Levels: Upper Elementary: Third Grade through Fifth Grade
    • Subject(s): Science

    Learn about different types of volcanoes and why the stratovolcanoes near Florissant Fossil Beds were highly explosive over 34 million years ago.

    • Type: Science Labs
    • Locations: Craters Of The Moon National Monument & Preserve, El Malpais National Monument
    • Grade Levels: Middle School: Sixth Grade through Eighth Grade
    • Subject(s): Science
    Red hot lava is visible beneath the cooled surface of a flow

    In this science lab, students learn about the properties of lava by experimenting with liquids having varying gas contents and viscosities.

  • Haleakalā National Park

    Geology Unit Field Trip

    • Type: Field Trips
    • Locations: Haleakalā National Park
    • Grade Levels: Upper Elementary: Third Grade through Fifth Grade
    • Subject(s): Science
    Pāhoehoe lava on the trail in the crater with native shrubs growing on it

    Pāhoehoe lava rock is one of many rock formations made by volcanoes. Rocks can show us all kinds of information like types of volcanoes and kinds of lava flowed, where lava flowed and whether lava cooled down fast or slow. Geology rocks!

    • Type: Field Trips
    • Locations: Lassen Volcanic National Park
    • Grade Levels: High School: Ninth Grade through Twelfth Grade
    • Subject(s): Science
    A view of a hydrothermal basin with fumaroles, boiling springs and mud pots.

    A view of the Bumpass Hell hydrothermal basin from the east.

    • Type: Lesson Plan
    • Locations: Haleakalā National Park
    • Grade Levels: Upper Elementary: Third Grade through Fifth Grade
    • Subject(s): Science
    Haleakalā crater

    This lesson explores the forces of weathering and erosion that shape our island home. It recounts volcanic creation, and then delves into the gradual destruction caused by the forces of wind, water, ice and waves.

    • Type: Lesson Plan
    • Locations: Haleakalā National Park, Hawaiʻi Volcanoes National Park
    • Grade Levels: Upper Elementary: Third Grade through Fifth Grade
    • Subject(s): Science
    Erosional depression of the Haleakalā crater

    Students will learn about the evolution of a volcanic island from origin to erosion. They will understand that Hawaiian volcanoes have gradually progressed through different stages as they are formed, emerge, and erode back into the sea from which they came.

Tags: volcanoes lava

Last updated: January 21, 2022