A Symphony of Sounds

Each national park has a unique soundscape. The natural and cultural sounds in parks awaken a sense of wonder that connects us to the qualities that define these special places. They are part of a web of resources that the National Park Service protects under the Organic Act. From the haunting calls of bugling elk in mountains to the patriotic calls of bugling horns across a historic battlefield, NPS invites you to experience our parks through this world of sound.

Illustration shows concentric tree rings with the outer layers turning into sound frequencies

PARKTRACKS will virtually transport you to national parks across the country with sounds captured by the National Park Service.

Jacob Job records natural sounds in a dense forest setting with his binaural microphones.
Deep Listening Brings Rewards

The nature recordings of Jacob Job provide immersive listening experiences for people to hear compelling park sounds.

Last updated: January 17, 2023

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