Historic Orchard and Fruit Tree Care and Maintenance

Four people stand near the base of two mature fruit trees with thick trunks, observing the branches.
Condition Assessments

The condition assessment process is the first step in stabilizing historic orchards and fruit trees.

Two people kneel while they use hand tools to cut away dense, leafless vegetation.

An overview of stabilization and the common health stressors impacting historic orchards and fruit trees.

A cluster of golden apples grows on a leafy branch of a tree.
Orchards and Maintenance Definitions

Key terms related to the identification and care of historic orchards and fruit trees.

A shallow irrigation ditch curves around the base of a tree in an orchard, with mountains beyond.

Find guidance documents, management plans, and websites related to the understanding and care of historic orchards and fruit trees.

Last updated: April 6, 2023