Protected Land in Beringia

Blue lake and red tundra
Beautiful landscapes, biodiversity, and rich cultural history are some of the components that make Beringia such a unique region. Over its history, more and more areas have been set aside to conserve these elements. In total, approximately 66,396,633 acres in the region currently receive such protection. Some of the National Park parks, preserves, and partners which contribute to this protection are listed below.

National Parks, Preserves, and Monuments

Bering Land Bridge National Preserve
Cape Krusenstern National Monument
Denali National Park and Preserve
Gates of the Arctic National Park and Preserve
Kobuk Valley National Park
Lake Clark National Park and Preserve
Noatak National Park and Preserve
Yukon-Charley Rivers National Preserve

Russian Parks and Protected Areas

Beringia National Park
Commander Islands
Lebediny Swam Preserve
Ust-Lensky (Lena River Delta)
Wrangel Island State Reserve

Ramsar Sites

Izembek Lagoon National Wildlife Refuge
Karagisnky Island
Moroschechnaya River
Parapolsky Dol

Last updated: April 14, 2022