NPS photo by Anthony Gallegos.
In 2014, NPS completed a comprehensive inventory and assessment and learned that approximately 10% of the total number of AML features in parks, or 3,800 features, pose high safety risks or resource impacts. These high priority features are located in 76 parks throughout the National Park System. In subsequent years, the NPS has continued to add and refine AML feature data within a national database.
The lead National Park Service office for AML projects is the NPS Geologic Resources Division (GRD). GRD is responsible for the funding, coordination, and oversight of AML projects for both mine sites and oil and gas sites.
Distribution of NPS AML Features

NPS graphic.
The image is a informational graphic created by the National Park Service to show the number and relative distribution of AML features across the United States and broken out by NPS Regions.
The base image is an outline map of the lower 48 states and Alaska as an inset map. Major cities are labeled as are the NPS Regions. For the lower 48, moving from West to East, the regions are Pacific West, Intermountain, Midwest, Southwest, and Northeast.
A legend for the map defines a color for each region and 6-levels for the number of AML features are indicated by increasing sized circular symbols. The number of features is broken down as 1-43, 43-175, 175-566, 566-1,297, 1,297-2,155, and 2,155-16,162. The smaller size circular symbols are widely distributed across the map and larger circular symbols are concentrated in the southwest states and Alaska.
Map Title: System Wide Total Features 37,948 (Data derived from the NPS Abandoned Mineral Lands Service-wide database.)
Text includes:
Pacific West Region: Total features—32,645
Intermountain Region: Total features—2,595
Alaska Region: Total features—760
Midwest Region: Total features—666
Southeast Region: Total features—290
Northeast Region: Total features—896
The base image is an outline map of the lower 48 states and Alaska as an inset map. Major cities are labeled as are the NPS Regions. For the lower 48, moving from West to East, the regions are Pacific West, Intermountain, Midwest, Southwest, and Northeast.
A legend for the map defines a color for each region and 6-levels for the number of AML features are indicated by increasing sized circular symbols. The number of features is broken down as 1-43, 43-175, 175-566, 566-1,297, 1,297-2,155, and 2,155-16,162. The smaller size circular symbols are widely distributed across the map and larger circular symbols are concentrated in the southwest states and Alaska.
Map Title: System Wide Total Features 37,948 (Data derived from the NPS Abandoned Mineral Lands Service-wide database.)
Text includes:
Pacific West Region: Total features—32,645
Intermountain Region: Total features—2,595
Alaska Region: Total features—760
Midwest Region: Total features—666
Southeast Region: Total features—290
Northeast Region: Total features—896
Last updated: January 20, 2023