In accordance with regulations and the delegated authority provided in Title 36, Code of Federal Regulations ("36 CFR"), Chapter 1, Parts 1-7, authorized by Title 16 United States Code, Section 3, the following regulatory provisions are established for the proper management, protection, government and public use of those portions of Ste. Genevieve National Historical Park under the jurisdiction of the National Park Service.
Written determinations, which explain the reasoning behind the Superintendent’s use of discretionary authority, are required by Section 1.5(c) and appear in this document in italicized print.
The following visiting hours and public use limits are established for all or for the listed portions of the park, and the following closures are established for all or a portion of the park to all public use or to a certain use or activity:
Visiting Hours:
Welcome Center
9:00 am- 5:00 pm daily, all year
Tours of Historical Homes
Offered Daily, weather dependent
Maximum for twenty people per tour
Determination: Visiting hours are established based on the availability of staff, to ensure an enjoyable and safe visitor experience, and to assure adequate protection of park resources. The Superintendent may shorten or lengthen operating hours due to special park use, or circumstances benefitting either park management objectives or the public.
The park will be closed on Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, and New Year's Day.
Determination: This closure allows all park employees the opportunity to enjoy these holidays with their families and friends.
The Superintendent may close any portion of the park and/or roadways to public access during prescribed fires, periods of ice, snow, or any other potentially hazardous conditions or emergencies. Roadways may be closed with gates, barricades, or other traffic control devices. Driving around or past these devices are prohibited.Locations Closed to Public Access:
All employee residences and their yards. Determination: the residences are the private domiciles of the employees.
Maintenance area of Wilhauk Determination: Maintenance yards can be dangerous and are closed for visitor safety.
Delassus-Kern House and the surrounding property Determination: The Delassus-Kern House has significant structural issues. Stabilization plan is being developed. Until area is stabilized, property will be closed.
Areas of new construction and/or reconstruction and repair will be closed to the public. Determination: This closure allows for protection of resources or for assurance of public safety during periods of unusual or unpredictable circumstance
All parking areas in the park are closed to overnight parking. Determination: The parking areas are small and only capably serve those that are patronizing the site itself. Overnight parking would decrease the safety of park staff and historical structures.
Public Use Limits:
Historic Houses: No more than a total of thirty people is allowed on the first floors at any one time. Determination: Historical houses are not constructed with modern materials and is therefore subject to wear and stress structurally. Limiting the total occupant capacity is necessary to guard against structural damage and prevent damage to any furnishings, wallpaper, and other décor that might occur posed by overcrowding. The upstairs floors of the houses are accessible by stairways only which are not ADA-accessible. The upstairs portion of the houses are used for storage and staff office space exclusively.
Food, drinks (except water) and chewing gum are not allowed within any structure except by permit. The possession of glass bottles and containers, with the exception of baby bottles and souvenir items, is prohibited. Determination: The prohibition of consumable items in the historical structures guards against inadvertent spills, litter, or the potential to attract pests that may be attracted to or damage the building.
All walkways are closed to bicycle, motorized vehicle, and roller blade use. Bicycles maybe walked by the user through the park. No vehicles are allowed on walkways except for maintenance, EMS and other emergency responder vehicles. Determination: Walkways are intended for pedestrian traffic participating in formally led interpretive tours or visitors self-guiding through the historic site.
The park is closed to camping, except for approved living history encampments related to actual historic events. Determination: Opportunities exist outside the park for camping. There are no designated campgrounds in the park. Infrastructure does not support campgrounds. Living history groups camp in the park during interpretive events and events supporting the administration of the park to further the park mission.
Geocaching is prohibited throughout the park except that virtual and Earth caching is allowed. Determination: The entire park consists of historically significant resources. Methods of stashing items such as digging, burying, covering and otherwise concealing items are sometimes used while geocaching, and are inappropriate within these areas.
Para-normal investigation and related activities are prohibited. Determination: Para-normal investigation is an activity is inconsistent with the intent of the park.
No public parking on Ste. Genevieve National Historical Park Cultural Landscape. Determination: Ste. Genevieve National Historical Park’s cultural landscape is very sensitive and encompasses the entire area around each historical structure. Minor disturbance to it could cause damage to potential areas.
Launching, landing, or operating an unmanned aircraft from or on lands and waters administered by the National Park Service within the boundaries of Ste. Genevieve National Historical Park is prohibited except as approved in writing by the Superintendent.
Definition: The term "unmanned aircraft" means a device that is used or intended to be used for flight in the air without the possibility of direct human intervention from within or on the device, and the associated operational elements and components that are required for the pilot or system operator in command to operate or control the device (such as cameras, sensors, communications links). This term includes all types of devices that meet this definition (e.g., model airplanes, quadcopters, and drones) that are used for any purpose including for recreation or commerce. Determination: Operation of unmanned aircraft has significant potential to create unreasonable noise and other intrusions that would adversely affect the experiences of visitors and the solemnity of the park. Carelessoperation of unmanned aircraft could result in collisions with park structures, possibly causing damage to these historic resources.
The following restrictions and/or conditions are in effect for the specific uses or activities noted:
Recreational and Sporting Activities:
Ste. Genevieve National Historical Park is closed to recreational and sporting activities including, but not limited to the following: pocket motorcycles, field games, flying model airplanes or operation of other radio-controlled models, rocket launching, kite flying, throwing objects through the air (Frisbees, balls, etc.), skiing, sledding and similar winter activities, and sunbathing. Exception to this is when supervised during a guided Interpretive program. Determination: Ample opportunities exist outside the park for these activities. These types of activities are inconsistent with the preservation and protection of resource values and interfere with the peace and tranquility of the landscape and are inconsistent with the reason the park was created.
Passenger-Carrying Buses:
Engines must be shut down when parked for a period more than five minutes. Determination: The idling of bus engines adds unnecessary noise and exhaust fumes to the air, thereby diminishing the peace and tranquility of the park and its enjoyment by visitors.
The following is a compilation of those activities for which a permit from the Superintendent is required: Information and applications to request a permit can be obtained at Ste. Genevieve National Historical Park during regular business hours, 9:00 am-5:00 pm. Monday to Friday. Contact us at 573-880-7189 or mail addressed to:
Ste. Genevieve National Historical Park
339 St. Marys Road
Ste. Genevieve, MO 63670
Carry or possess weapon, trap or net. Firearms may be carried or possessed in accordance with applicable local, state, and federal laws. Other weapons as defined under 36 CFR 1.4 will require a permit
Specimen Collection (the taking of any plant, fish, wildlife, rocks, or minerals)
Camping and Food Storage
Audio Disturbances: Operation of a public address system in connection with a public gathering or special event for which a permit has been issued pursuant to §2.50 or §2.51.
Aircraft & Air Delivery: Delivery or retrieval of a person or object by parachute, helicopter or other airborne means.
Removal of a downed aircraft.
Noncommercial soliciting
Explosives: Use, possess, store, transport explosives, blasting agents
Use or possess fireworks
Conduct a sports event, pageant, regatta, public spectator attraction, entertainment, ceremony, and similar events
Public assemblies, meetings, gatherings, demonstrations, parades and other public expressions of views
Demonstrations involving 25 persons or fewer may be held without a permit within designated park area.
Demonstrations involving more than 25 persons require a permit.
Sale or distribution of printer matter that is not solely commercial advertising.
Livestock Use
Erection of New Monuments (requires approval from Director of NPS)
Scattering of ashes from human cremation
Exceeding of established vehicle load, weight, and size limits.
Advertisements (Display, posting, or distribution).
Construction of buildings, facilities, roads, paths, structures, etc.
Filming / Still Photography
All filming and some still photography activities require a permit except for the following:
Activity by groups of eight individuals or less, provided the following conditions are met:
The activity occurs in an area open to the public;
The activity does not require the exclusive use of a site or area;
The activity does not involve a set or staging equipment other than handheld equipment, such as a tripod, monopod, or handheld lighting equipment; and
The activity meets all the other requirements in the new law for permit and fee exemptions, in the professional judgment of the NPS.0F 1
The NPS will consider requests and process permit applications in a timely manner. Processing times will vary depending on the complexity of the proposed activity. If the organizer provides the required 10-day advance notice to the NPS and has not received a written response from the NPS that a permit is required prior to the first day of production, the proposed filming activities may occur without a permit.
A permit is required in the following situations:
Filming of motion pictures or television involving the use of professional casts, settings or crews, other than bona fide newsreel or news television.
Most still photography will not require a permit. Still photography activities require a permit only if:
The still photography activity uses models, set or props.
The still photography activity takes place in an area where or when members of the public are not allowed.
The agency would incur costs for providing on-site management and oversight to protect agency resources and minimize visitor use conflicts
Fees may be associated with Permits. Contact Ste. Genevieve National Historical Park for further information.
Dead wood on the ground may be collected for use as fuel for campfires within the park in the following areas:
Park wide, but only for authorized living history demonstrations or other approved activities described under “closures” above. Determination: Campfires are not permitted within the park except those events associated with living history demonstrations or otherwise authorized by the Superintendent.
The following conditions are in effect for walking, climbing, entering, ascending, or traversing the listed archeological or cultural resource, monuments or statues:
Climbing is not permitted on monuments and cannons. Determination: Climbing on cannons and monuments, as well as traversing archeological or cultural resources can be unsafe and unduly affect the preservation of these features.
Fruits, nuts, or berries may be gathered by hand for personal use or consumption, in accordance with the noted size, quantity, collection sites and/or use or consumption restrictions:
The gathering in small quantities (one dry gallon per day, per person) of fruits, nuts, and berries are permitted.
Climbing on trees to collect within Ste. Genevieve National Historical Park also is prohibited. Determination: Limitations placed on the collection of fruits, nuts and berries are necessary to preserve resources for wildlife and encourage species growth.
The following areas are closed to the viewing of wildlife with the use of an artificial light:
All of Ste. Genevieve National Historical Park Determination: Visiting hours are established based on the availability of staff, to ensure an enjoyable and safe visitor experience, and to assure adequate protection of park resources. After hours use and nighttime activity create a number of impacts that would be inconsistent with the protection of park wildlife. The Superintendent may authorize the use of artificial light for scientific and resource purposes. Note: Night vision devices are not artificial lights; however, infrared lighting/beams are considered artificial lights and are included in this prohibition.
Visitors may possess and carry firearms within a national park area in accordance with the laws of the state in which the National Park area or that portion thereof, is located, except as otherwise prohibited by applicable Federal law. Federal Law prohibits the possession within federal buildings. The following areas visitors are prohibited of possessing and carrying firearms are
Jean Baptiste Valle House and outbuildings
Bauvais-Amoureux House and outbuildings
Wilhauk House (Headquarters) and outbuildings
Green Tree Tavern (Janis-Ziegler House)
Delassus-Kern House and outbuildings
Conditions for Weapons
The possession and use historic weapons necessary to support interpretive and educational demonstrations are permitted, subject to limitations described in a permit issued by the Superintendent.
See above
The park is closed to picnicking except in designated picnic areas or by permit.
36 CFR §2.13 - FIRES
Lighting or maintaining a fire within Ste. Genevieve National Historical Park Determination: Limitations on the use of fire are necessary to prevent adverse impacts to resources, as well as to prevent fire from escaping to adjoining lands and residential areas
36 CFR §2.15 - PETS
Pets are allowed within the park, except within all historical buildings, if they are physically restrained by a leash of 6 feet in length or less. Electronic shock collars do not meet the requirements for physical restraint of a pet as required by 36 CFR § 2.15. The following additional restrictions apply:
All animal waste must be removed no matter the location (road, paths, trail, open field, or around buildings). Visitors bringing pets to the park must carry on their person a bag or other device for the containerization and removal of excrement.
Visitors shall immediately containerize and remove pet excrement by depositing it in a trash receptacle or by otherwise taking the excrement from the park
Pets will NOT be left unattended for any length of time within Ste. Genevieve National Historical Park.
Pets are NOT allowed in park residences occupied by seasonal and term employees or interns of the park. The only exception to this is the use of a Service Animal. The Superintendent has the discretion to lodge an employee in their own, separate housing if they do require a Service Animal that may be disruptive to others living in the same park residence. Determination: Limitations on pets within the park are necessary to ensure a positive visitor experience for all, as well as to prevent possible resource damage that could be created by uncontrolled pets
Service Animals
Service animals are not subject to the park’s pet policies and are allowed wherever visitors are allowed.
A service animal means any dog or miniature horse that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability.
The task(s) performed by the animal must be directly related to the person’s disability.
NPS staff may require an individual with a disability to remove a service animal from a facility, service, program, or activity if the animal is not housebroken or is out of control and the handler does not take effective action to control it.
If a service animal must be removed, the visitor is allowed to participate in the service, program, or activity without the animal.
Determination: Compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act
The use of roller-skates, skateboards, roller skis, coasting vehicles, or similar devices are not allowed: Determination:These restrictions are intended to reduce any possible conflict between users, protect natural and cultural resources, and for public safety concerns. In consideration of the increased potential for resource damage, threat to wildlife and the health and safety of visitors these activities are prohibited.
36 CFR §2.21 – SMOKING
Smoking to include eCigarettes, is prohibited in and around all buildings within Ste. Genevieve National Historical Park. Smoking is prohibited within 25 feet of any entrance or exit primarily accessed by the visiting public or any access where smoking would result in smoke traveling through doorways, windows, air ducts or other openings. Departmental Manual 2, Section 3 310, Chapter 11, Director’s Order #50D: 4 Smoking Policy.
36 CFR §2.22 – PROPERTY
Leaving property unattended for longer than 24 hours will be considered abandoned property. Property will be retained for 30 days. After 30 days, property maybe disposed of, donated, or retained for park use. Determination:Unattended property is inconsistent with the orderly management of park areas and may present a security risk or threat to other park resources. Property may not be left unattended in the park for security reasons, for possible health/safety reasons, and it is not compatible with the cultural landscape or interpretive value of the park
The following public use areas, portions of public use areas, and/or public facilities within the park are closed to consumption of alcoholic beverages, and/or to the possession of a bottle, can or other receptacle containing an alcoholic beverage that is open, or has been opened, or whose seal has been broken or the contents of which have been partially removed:All areas of areas of Ste. Genevieve National Historical Park Determination: The restriction is in place to protect facilities and resources from potential damage which may occur from liquid spills or the accumulation of refuse where receptacles are not appropriately present. No interpretive program is conducted which is contributory to alcohol consumption, and none are of a lengthy duration whereby refreshments are necessary to safely complete the program in its entirety.
Fireworks and firecrackers are prohibited within Ste. Genevieve National Historical Park Determination: The Ste. Genevieve NHP is a cultural landscape comprised of several historic structures and modern support buildings. No additional interpretive benefit may be derived through the authorization of fireworks or explosives; conversely, having fireworks and explosives within the park may place these resources at unnecessary risk.
Demonstrations are allowed within park areas designated for demonstrations when the Superintendent has issued a permit for the activity. Demonstrations involving 25 persons or fewer may be held without a permit within the designated park areas noted below. Demonstrations involving more than 25 persons always require a permit, from the Superintendent officeThe following areas are designated for demonstration purposes:
The open field west of the garden at the Jean Baptiste Valle House
A permit is required for the scattering of ashes from cremated human remains. New monuments may be erected within Ste. Genevieve National Historical Park with authorization of the Director of the National Park Service.
The following speed limits are established for the routes/roads indicated:
The speed limit within Ste. Genevieve National Historical Park is 5 miles per hour.Determination: Speed limits are necessary to ensure a safe and enjoyable visitor experience
36 CFR §4.30 - BICYCLES
The use of a bicycle is prohibited except on city roads. No bicycle shall be operated off established roadways. Bicycles are not permitted on sidewalks. Bicycles must be walked on sidewalks and must not be left unattended on a sidewalk.
Electronic Bicycles
The term “e-bike” means a two- or three-wheeled cycle with fully operable pedals and an electric motor of less than 750 watts (1 h.p.).
E-bikes are allowed in Ste. Genevieve National Historical Park where traditional bicycles are allowed. E-bikes are prohibited where traditional bicycles are prohibited. Except where use of motor vehicles by the public is allowed, using the electric motor to move an e-bike without pedaling is prohibited.
A person operating an e-bike is subject to the following sections of 36 CFR part 4 that apply to the use of traditional bicycles: sections 4.12, 4.13, 4.20, 4.21, 4.22, 4.23, and 4.30(h)(2)-(5).
Except as specified in this Compendium, the use of an e-bike within Ste. Genevieve National Historical Park is governed by State law, which is adopted and made a part of this Compendium. Any violation of State law adopted by this paragraph is prohibited.
Determination: Bicycle use is appropriate for enjoying park resources. The above limitations are established to ensure the safety of recreationists, as well as that of the motoring public.
See “Permits”
Last updated: March 25, 2025
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Mailing Address:
Ste. Genevieve National Historical Park
339 St. Marys Road
Ste. Genevieve,