Rules and Regulations

Mexican gold poppies in bloom
Poppies in bloom in the Tucson Mountain District

NPS Photo

For All Patrons

There is no parking for RVs on the scenic loop drive of either district. RV parking is available at the visitor center in the Tucson Mountain District (west), but not the Rincon Mountain District (east).
Drones, ATVs and firearms are prohibited within the boundaries of the park.

For more detailed information, check out our laws and policies.

Resource Protection

  • Removal or disturbance of any plant, animal, rock or other natural or historical feature within the park is prohibited. This includes historic items that may be perceived as "trash" left behind by ranchers and homesteaders. With discretion and respect, check out these items, then put them back where found for others to enjoy.
  • All plants, and all plant parts, are protected. Leave them for the animals and future visitors to enjoy, too.
  • For the health of the wildlife and overall ecosystem of the park, please do not feed the animals! Protect wildlife and your food by storing it in sealed containers. Use bear boxes at campsites and picnic areas where provided.
  • Treat wildlife with respect. View from an unthreatening distance. Leave enough space for wildlife to escape, and avoid going off-trail to take photos. The use of artificial light to view wildlife or taped recording to lure wildlife in is prohibited.
  • Report any damage of park resources to a park ranger.

FIRES: Unless fire restrictions are in effect (check at visitor center), charcoal cooking fires are permitted in the picnic areas, and campfires are permitted inside designated fire rings at four of the six backcountry campgrounds at Saguaro East. Douglas Spring and Grass Shack campgrounds prohibit fires as they are located in the grassland biome, which is dangerously susceptible to wildfire. No other fires are allowed in either district. Fireworks are prohibited year-round in all national parks, and most are illegal to use in the City of Tucson.

TRASH: Dispose of trash properly. Recycling bins are available at both visitor centers. We recycle everything the City of Tucson recycles.

PETS: Pets are limited to only a handful of trails within the park in order to protect and preserve our ecosystems. However, they are permitted around the visitor centers and at picnic areas, as well as on the roadways in the park. Learn where you can take your pets in the park.

STATE TRUST LAND: For access information and permits, call the Arizona State Land Department at (520) 628-5480.

Livestock & Pack Animal Regulations

  • Livestock, which includes horses, burros and mules, may be ridden on designated trails within the park. Access is restricted on certain trails due to steep grade, slippery and rocky terrain, or conflict with other user groups. For more information on where to take your horse within the park, check out our information on getting around.
  • Livestock is prohibited from traveling off-trail throughout the west district. In the east district, off-trail riding is prohibited within the Cactus Forest area, except in washes.
  • In both districts, stock groups are limited to a maximum of 15 animals when riding on designated trails.
  • No livestock on trails 24 hours after a heavy rainstorm.
  • If you are interested in taking your stock into the backcountry of Rincon Mountain District, check out our wilderness booklet or our page on livestock in the backcountry.

Biking Regulations

  • Bicycles must obey all traffic signs, including speed limits and stop signs. Traffic violations on a bicycle are the same as in a vehicle. If you see an accident or are involved in one, report it to a park ranger as soon as possible.
  • Helmets are required for all riders and passengers (bike trailers, car seats, etc.) under 18 years of age per Pima County Statute. Helmets are recommended for all.
  • Be aware of vehicles, pedestrians, other riders and livestock when riding. Use proper biking etiquette and maintain a safe speed.
  • Slow down in congested places such as trailheads, parking lots and picnic areas.
  • The 7-day entrance fee for bicycles is $15 per person. Children under 16 are free. For frequent riders, annual passes are available at either visitor center or the entrance station. These passes allow unlimited entry for the passholder plus three adults (under 16 free) into the park, and they are valid for one year
  • Bicycles are allowed in the park after dark. However, headlights and rear reflectors are required.
  • E-bikes are permitted only where traditional bicyclists are allowed. Except where motor vehicles are allowed, using the electric motor to move an e-bike without pedaling is prohibited. State laws concerning e-bikes apply within Saguaro National Park.

Want to know where you can ride?

Hiking Regulations

  • On-trail hiking groups are limited to a maximum of 18 people.
  • Off-trail hiking is prohibited below 4,500 feet elevation. If hiking off-trail above 4,500 feet, please minimize impact by utilizing Leave No Trace principles.
  • If you are hiking the backcountry and planning to camp, you must obtain a camping permit on

Looking for some great trails?

General Hiking Safety Information
General Hiking Safety Information

Safety information to help ensure you stay safe while having fun in the park, and what to do in sticky situations.

Map of RMD hiking trails

Our maps help you plan your trip and keep you safe navigating our wilderness.

Last updated: December 30, 2024

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

3693 S Old Spanish Trail
Tucson, AZ 85730


520 733-5153

Contact Us