Volunteer to remove buffelgrass at one of the Beat Back Buffelgrass events. You will be trained in how to identify buffelgrass and safely remove it. This is a great way to get outside and learn about and help protect the park. Receive a one-day pass to use at the Park for helping.
Volunteer at a buffelgrass pull at the Tucson Mountain District.
Fourth Saturdays October, January, February, March, and April.
Third Saturdays November and December.
For any questions contact us at (520) 733-5179 or email us.
Participate in our Weed Free Trails program. This is a wonderful opportunity to hike the trails and keep them free of buffelgrass and other invasive plants.
Adopt an area of the park to protect from invasive plants through our new Adopt-an-Area Program. After training by park staff, you can adopt your favorite part of the park. Then you can begin protecting it from invasion by non-native species. Work on your own schedule and immerse yourself in and enjoy nature at the same time. Involvement by people like you is the key to long term success of protecting our beloved desert.
Please do not remove buffelgrass or other invasive plants in the park if you are not an official volunteer. To become a volunteer, email us.
In your community:
To learn more about buffelgrass and how to get involved, schedule a buffelgrass presentation for your community group (neighborhood/homeowner association, civic or religious group, etc). Contact the Pima County Environmental Education Department or call (520) 615-7855.
Organize a neighborhood buffelgrass removal event.