Prescribed Burns Planned along Limantour Road and Highway 1 for week of September 22, 2008

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Date: September 22, 2008
Contact: Jennifer Chapman, 415-464-5133

Fire Management staff at Point Reyes National Seashore plan to burn 25 acres along Limantour Road and 115 acres along Highway One this week. Burning is scheduled for Wednesday, September 24 and Friday September 26, but may be delayed a day or more if conditions are too wet, dry or windy, or if the air will not provide good smoke dispersion. The burn locations are on the south side of Limantour Road, west of the Point Reyes Hostel; and on the east side of Highway One, south of the Randall Trail.

The Limantour and Highway One prescribed burn projects are both part of a series of small burns along major road corridors designed to create strategic fuelbreaks within the Seashore where a wildfire will be easier to control. Limantour Road and Highway One also have increased potential for wildfire caused by vehicle-related ignitions. Fuel reduction along these roads will strengthen them as lines of defense to protect surrounding communities, as well as structures inside the park.

The vegetation in the Limantour fuelbreak is mostly coastal scrub, dominated by coyote brush, with small scattered islands of Bishop pine. The 5 to 10 year burn rotation planned for the Limantour fuelbreak will keep the coyote brush low and widely spaced where fire will move more slowly. The Highway One fuelbreak aims to reduce the invasive French broom population and maintain open grasslands in between large areas of dense forest on Bolinas Ridge and Inverness Ridge where a wildfire would be very difficult to control. The target burn rotation for the Highway One fuelbreak is every other year.

To receive an email when the burn day is confirmed, contact the park at 415-464-5133 or by email.

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Last updated: February 28, 2015

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