Estero Prescribed Fire Planned for the Week of October 21, 2013

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Date: October 17, 2013
Contact: Jennifer Chapman , 415-464-5133

Final preparations for the Estero Prescribed Fire resumed today at Point Reyes National Seashore. This project, which was originally scheduled for early October, is now planned for next Wednesday, October 23 or Thursday, October 24. Assuming weather conditions remain favorable, fire management staff will burn 141 acres on N Ranch near Drakes Estero, with assistance from local fire agencies. The prescribed fire will be conducted from approximately 10 am to 3 pm, followed by patrol and monitoring to ensure the fire is completely out. This work continues an invasive plant eradication effort that has been using fire in combination with other techniques since 1993.

The goal of the Estero Prescribed Fire is to reduce the dead and down fuels leftover from previous broom treatments and to reduce the extensive seed bank which has accumulated over the years. Scotch broom produces abundant long lived seed which is viable for up to 35 years and poses an ongoing threat when left in the soil, even if the above ground plants are removed. Depending on heat intensity, the seed can be killed, or stimulated to germinate. New young plants are easy to remove by hand, unlike the large, mature shrubs. The Scotch broom infestation at Point Reyes National Seashore threatens both the quality of the rangeland in the pastoral zone and the native ecosystem, including 15 rare plant species and several animal species of concern. The overall project area is 575 acres in size, including 49 acres of solid broom, and the rest mixed with coastal scrub and annual grassland. The project is funded by the National Park Service Exotic Plant Management Program and Natural Resource Protection Program.

No road or trail closures are anticipated during the prescribed fire. However, drivers in this area should use extra caution if smoke is present. A map of the project area can be viewed on the park website at under Current Fire Information. To receive an email when the burn day is confirmed, contact the fire education office at 415-464-5133 or by email.


Last updated: January 27, 2024

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