More Prescribed Burns Planned for the Next Few Weeks in Olema Valley

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Date: September 19, 2012
Contact: Jennifer Chapman, 415-464-5133

Fire Management staff at Point Reyes National Seashore are planning up to three days of controlled burning over the next several weeks along Highway One in the Olema Valley. The first of these burns is scheduled for Thursday, September 27, but the date could change based on weather conditions. The three units to be burned make up a total of approximately 170 acres on the east side of Highway One, approximately 8 miles south of Olema, between the Randall Trail and Dogtown. These burns are part of a strategy to maintain a fuel break along the Highway One corridor where the chance of vehicle-ignited wildfire is high. Similar fuel breaks are being developed along Limantour Road, Bolinas Ridge, and the Bayview Fire Road. The target burn rotation for the Highway One burn units is every other year to reduce the invasive French broom population and maintain open grasslands in between large areas of dense forest on Bolinas Ridge and Inverness Ridge.

No road or trail closures are anticipated, however, there may be short traffic delays along Highway One while burning is in progress. Short term smoke impacts are expected in the Olema Valley and may affect Bolinas, Stinson Beach and the San Geronimo Valley as well.

To receive an email when the burn days are confirmed, contact the fire education office at 415-464-5133 or by email.


Last updated: February 28, 2015

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