
Wahweap South Entrance Station

Glen Canyon National Recreation Area

Asphalt road with orange cones along center lane. Three windowed booths in a row with arrowhead logo
Three entrance booths at the south entrance to Wahweap.


Quick Facts

Entrance Passes for Sale, Information - Maps Available

Welcome to Glen Canyon National Recreation Area

Wahweap South Entrance is the closest to Page AZ. The South and North entrances both go to Wahweap. From here you can drive down the scenic road to Lake Powell Resort, launch your own boat, or just come enjoy the views. If you already have an entrance pass (or a Boating Expanded Amenity Fee pass), just show it (your boat with the sticker) to the attendant. If you need to purchase your weekly or choose to purchase an annual pass, you can do it here. This is also the place to pay your camping fees for Beehives Campground. A flagpole at the first booth indicates whether there are people there. If there is no person in the booths to help, you can use the Automated Fee machine for all relevant passes.

Visit our Fees & Passes page or the Fees tab on the NPS App for entrance fee information.

Vessel Expanded Amenity Fee Rates

A Glen Canyon Weekly Pass allows use for one single private motorized vessel for 1-7 days.
Additional private motorized vessels on the same trailer are charged according to length.
A Glen Canyon Annual Pass allows use in Glen Canyon for one motorized vessel for one calendar year

Vessel Length

Weekly Fee

Annual Fee

Personal Water Craft (16 feet and below)



26 feet and below



27 - 40 feet



41 - 60 feet



61 - 80 feet



81 - 100 feet



Over 100 feet



Beehives Campground

  • $14 per night. No reservations.
  • 6 designated sites. Picnic table at each site.
  • No hookups, dump station, or restrooms. Pack it in, pack it out. Portable toilets required. No campfires or glass containers.
  • Three night camping limit.

Last updated: December 3, 2024